
Script Python utilizado para integração das APIs da Cobli com softwares de BI

Primary LanguagePython

Cobli - BI



Current production version of python interpreter is 3.8, so it is recommended to use same python version in your development environment.

On the terminal

It's recommended to use python vitual environments to deal with dependencies per-project.

After clonning the project, just execute inside project root:

python -m venv venv

To activate it:

source venv/bin/activate

All project related commands are intended to be execute inside this virtual environment

To get out of a virtual environment:


Installing dependencies and running application locally:

First, create a .env file and write


Then, run this command on terminal

pip install -r src/requirements.txt
cd src
python generate_bi_script.py 


If you get error with tkinter library, make sure you are using python 3.8 (some versions as 3.9.2 has problems with this lib) and run this command on terminal:

sudo apt-get install python3-tk


The CI will generate a new release on github in publish_release job, remember to bump the version of release in .circleci/config.yml