The purpose of this fork is to be a monolithic mess. You can use it to break and extract microservices. As the PetClinic is continuously deployed you need to make small changes that preserve the behaviour. The tasks involve refactoring, TDD, branch by abstraction and introducing an event bus.
Petclinic is a Spring Boot application built using Maven.
Find an Overview in this PDF
The following items should be installed in your system:
- Java 8 or newer.
- git
Clone the repository
git clone
Import into Eclipse or STS
File -> Import -> Maven -> Existing Maven project
Import into IntelliJ IDEA
In the main menu, choose
File -> Open
and select the Petclinic pom.xml. Click on theOpen
button. -
Run it on the CLI
You can run it with the spring boot maven plugin like this:
cd monolith ../mvnw spring-boot:run
Navigate to the Petclinic
Visit http://localhost:8080 in your browser.
Petclinic uses an in-memory database (HSQLDB) which gets populated at startup with data.