
An analysis code for Ocado reviews which contain a sentiment and topic model based on word embedding

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


An analysis code for ocado reivews which contain a sentiment and topic model based on word embedding.

Code structure

  • data/ : The folder used to save original ocado data excel files. And data for ETM model will be generated here
  • model/ : The folder used to save CNN, ETM, LDA model files.
  • preprocess/ : The scripts which is used to generate data as models' inputs.
  • results/ : The folder used to save csv, png results.
  • checkpoints/ : The folder used to save trained models' parameters.
  • sentiment_model_train.py : The python file used to train sentiment model.
  • sentiment.py : The python file used to do sentiment classification
  • topic_model.py : The python file used to train or generate topics


Train Sentiment Model

For the first step, we need to pretrain the sentiment models which based on CNN by a open source labeled dataset.

python sentiment_model_train.py

And it will save the trained model parameters in checkpoints/.

Sentiment Classify

Load the trained sentiment data model, to preprocess and classify the Ocado raw parsed data.

python sentiment.py

It will generate a processed_sentence.csv in results/ and it includes splited sentence, emotion score of each sentence and review date. The id is the unique identification of each sentence, and content_id shows that the sentence is belong to which review in original data.

Preprocess data for Topic Model

Before generating topics, data is needed to be preprocessed

cd preprocess
python ETM_data_process.py

A splited training and validing data will be generated in data/. Then,

python skipgram.py

It will generate word embeddings by word2vec model, and write the word embeddings into a .txt file which will be used in ETM.

Topic Model

Go to the root folder of this project and run:

python topic_model.py --num_topics 5 --epochs 500

It is for training , the argument --num_topics indicates how many topics will be produced, it's a hyperparameter.

For evaluating, run:

python topic_model.py --num_topics 5 --load_from xxx --mode eval

The argument --num_topics should be same with trained model. --load_from indicates which model should be load, and all models will be saved in checkpoints/


The model in this project is referenced repo as followed:

ETM: https://github.com/adjidieng/ETM