
This is a system that takes an email and classifies if it is spam or not.

Primary LanguagePython

alt text alt text alt text

Spam Filter

This Python 3 code detects and filters spam. The email in question goes into the static/Email.txt file, and then when the program is ran, it prints whether or not it thinks the email is spam.


  • Email program intigration
  • Better documentation
  • Process email.txt and spam.txt at the same time to improve performence


The Email.txt and the Spam.txt are both in the static folder. The file that acctually does the processing and gives the result is main.py and is in the home folder.

How it works

Full code documentation is in the file main.py.
main.py reads the email file, removes all special characters from it (specifically ones that aren't letters, numbers, or spaces), and puts it in an array by spliting it with space as the delimater. It then does the same for spam.txt. After both files are processed, it gets the ammount of words for the spam file and the email, and compares the two. If the ammount of spam words in the email is bigger than half the total number of words in the email, it flags it as spam.


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