
Script to download steam workshop collections

Primary LanguagePython

Workshop Collection Downloader

How to download?

python3 wcd.py -curl COLLECTIONURL -o OUTPUTFOLDER

What the script does:

  1. Retrieves information about collection from steam api.
  2. Saves items in workshop collection to a collection.json file.
  3. Uses https://steamworkshopdownloader.io/ to download each item in collection, and save them to output directory.

How to update?

python3 wcd.py -cjson OUTPUTFOLDER/my-collection-name/collection.json -c

What the script does:

  1. Retrieves information about items in collection.json file from steam api.
  2. Compares lastUpdated field for each item in collection.json with steam api response.
  3. Uses https://steamworkshopdownloader.io/ to download each item in collection, where lastUpdated does not match the lastest update date.
  4. Updates collection.json file with corresponding changes.

Does it work if I modify a collection.json file?

Yes, you can modify or create your own collection.json files, and then use them to download / update. The script will download any items, which are specified in collection.json file.

Color coding

- Failed to download/update
+ Downloaded/updated successfully


  • timeout reached: steamdownloader.io did not return zip file in time.
  • bad zip file: downloaded zip file is corrupted. Wait until the script finishes, then restart to redownload failed items.


python3 wcd.py -h:

usage: wcd.py [-h] (-curl COLLECTIONURL | -cjson COLLECTIONJSON) [-o OUTPUT] [-f] [-c]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Steam collection url. Pattern:
                        https://steamcommunity.com/(sharedfiles | workshop)/filedetails/?id=*  
                        Generated collection.json
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Output directory. A folder with collection name will be saved here.    
                        Defaults to /downloads/
  -f, --force           Force redownload. (only when updating)
  -c, --cleanUp         Remove items, which were are no longer on the steam workshop. (only    
                        when updating)