This is a live project

This is a portfolio site to show my skills, projects and to keep active blogs about my work. Please take a look

Developer Notes


  • finish 2 new blogs
  • performance optimization
  • SEO

edits to node_modules


  • Removal of 630px for fullscreen

files:, terminal-react.js

show - show the msg (lib/js/components/Terminal/index.js) clear - clear the screen (lib/js/components/Terminal/index.js) help - list all the commands (lib/js/components/Terminal/index.js) vi - Open a file to be edited (lib/index.js) help printout @ TODO (lib/js/components/Terminal/index.js)

outside of node_modules

  • in global.css added CSS .sc-EHOje, .dLVStj, .terminal-base, .blCJWW { max-width: 100% !important; max-height: 100% !important; width: 100%; height: 100%; }

npm packages to look into to rewrite md

  • @next/mdx
  • @mdx-js/loader