
Primary LanguageShell


  • add to log if transcode takes very little time
  • create script that checks if video files are small
  • make logs append and only be cleared every week
  • add test if there is a 'shipment in progress file in p4a Documents'


  • p4a dock
  • win dock
  • pi8 dock (unfinished)


scp -r ./shows codabool@ scp -r * codabool@

python /d/Utilities/codadash-scripts/win-manage-docks.py

script will transcode anything that is placed in the /c/Transcode/pull folder There is a required .ready file to be at the root of whatever is being transferred. Final transcodes are scp into /media/book/new


-q (quality float ; use 1-30) --subtitle-burned none


create tables

CREATE TABLE p4a ( "Space Left" text, "Completed" text, "Downloading" text, "Transferring" text, "VPN Status" text, "QBit Status" text, "Last Ran" timestamp ); CREATE TABLE p8a ( "Space Left" text, "Last Ran" timestamp ); CREATE TABLE mom ( "Space Left Internal" text, "Space Left External" text, "Videos" text, "Last Ran" timestamp );

add dummy row to initialize

INSERT INTO p4a ("Space Left", "Completed", "Downloading", "Transferring", "VPN Status", "QBit Status", "Last Ran") VALUES ('5', '5', '5', '5', '5', '5', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP); INSERT INTO p8a ("Space Left", "Last Ran") VALUES ('5', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP); INSERT INTO mom ("Space Left Internal", "Space Left External", "Videos", "Last Ran") VALUES ('5', '5', '5', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);

update in code

UPDATE p4a SET "Space Left"={space}, Completed"={complete}, "Downloading"={download}, "Transferring"={ready}, "VPN Status"={status}, "Last Ran"=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; UPDATE pi8 SET "Space Left"={space}, "New Videos"={new}, "Last Ran"='{lastRan}' WHERE id=1; UPDATE win SET "Transcoding"={transcoding}, "Transferring"={transferring}, "Waiting"={waiting}, "Last Ran"='{lastRan}' WHERE id=1;

drop tables

drop table p4a; drop table p8a; drop table win; drop table mom;


p4a /etc/bash.bashrc

alias pi="ssh codabool@" function m() { scp -r "$PWD" codabool@ }

pi8 /etc/bash.bashrc

alias umnt="sudo umount /mnt/sd1" alias mnt="sudo mount -o rw,users,uid=1000,umask=0001 /dev/sda1 /mnt/sd1" alias p4a="ssh codabool@"

win ~/.bashrc

alias transcode-all="python /d/utilities/codadash-scripts/tran-win.py ./ y n 24" alias p4a="ssh codabool@" alias p4a-get="sftp codabool@" alias pi8="ssh codabool@" alias transcode-docks="python /d/utilities/codadash-scripts/manage-docks-windows.py" alias count-type="python /d/utilities/codadash-scripts/count-simple.py ./ True" alias count="python /d/utilities/codadash-scripts/read-all-windows.py ./ True" tran() {

arguments: directory, logs, automated, quality, extra

if [ $# -eq 0 ] then echo "Provide Logs [y/n] Quality [1-30] and Extra Parameters" fi python /d/utilities/codadash-scripts/tran-win.py ./ " $1" n " $2" " $3" }

Task Scheduler

"C:\Program Files (x86)\cmdow\bin\Release\cmdow.exe" /run /hid "C:\Program Files (x86)\Python38-32\python.exe" C:\Transcode\codadash-scripts\db-win.py

Alexa Commands

89.9 (wuvf jazz)= s23356 91.5 (wprk state of the scene college radio) = s22034 89.9 (wucf hd2 latin jazz) = s67214 90.7 (all things considered) = s30977 90.7 (classical) = s109553

pause/stop vol [1-10] speak alexa

  • alexa -d 'Echo Bed' -e pause/play -r spotify
  • alexa -d 'Echo Bed' -e vol:10
  • alexa -d 'Echo Bed' -e speak:'a'
  • alexa -d 'Echo Bed' -r [radioId]
  • alexa -e automation:'TV'
  • alexa -a (get a list of all device names)


  • DB fifty
  • DB sixty
  • DB seventy
  • TV
  • sleep
  • bye
  • sony
  • speaker

Bashrc pi8

alias otp="oathtool --base32 --totp "[MFA_SECRET_HERE]"" alexa() { ~/Documents/alexa-remote-control/alexa_remote_control.sh "$@" }

Bashrc windows git-bash terminal

alias jazz="ssh -t codabool@ "/Documents/alexa-remote-control/alexa_remote_control.sh -d 'Echo Bed' -r s23356"" alias play="ssh -t codabool@ "/Documents/alexa-remote-control/alexa_remote_control.sh -d 'Echo Bed' -e play"" alias pause="ssh -t codabool@ "/Documents/alexa-remote-control/alexa_remote_control.sh -d 'Echo Bed' -e pause"" alias stop="ssh -t codabool@ "/Documents/alexa-remote-control/alexa_remote_control.sh -d 'Echo Bed' -e pause"" alexa() { ssh -t codabool@ "/Documents/alexa-remote-control/alexa_remote_control.sh" $@ } auto() { args=$@ alexa -d 'Echo\ Bed' -e automation:"${args// /\ }" } speak() { args=$@ ssh -t codabool@ "/Documents/alexa-remote-control/alexa_remote_control.sh" -d 'Echo\ Bed' -e speak:"${args// /\ }" } vol() { alexa -d 'Echo\ Bed' -e vol:$1 }


cp ./alexa/template.sh ./alexa/local.sh sudo apt-get install jq sudo apt install oathtool oathtool --base32 --totp "[MFA_SECRET_HERE]" chmod +x ./alexa/local.sh


repo test 3