🗺️ Community VTT RPG maps

A spot for any RPG community to create accurate maps and keep them up to date.


Most VTT maps are just static images. These have a few issues

  • difficult to use programmatically
  • rendering a new image is usually done locally and is inefficient
  • the styling from image maps won't match everyone's preference

By creating a data driven map, all downstream uses of it become improved. This is because the project will release a free TopoJSON. This is a common standard for map making in real world applications. However, it can also be useful for fictional maps.

I will however, be creating my own stylized version of each map. This won't be the focus of the project but should be generally usable. It is possible to create an iframe embed of the map. I will provide an example of this in the Wiki section.

If you want to create your own map. Or just make general use of the TopoJSON I'd recommend picking up d3-geo. Then start by looking at my code as an example.

📅 Upcoming

I will be focusing on Lancer and then maybe Alien but any community can open an issue on the issues tab and begin a discussion on adding a new map.