
A Jeedom Docker image for Raspberry Pi based on Hypriot and Resin image


A Jeedom Docker image for Raspberry Pi based on Resin Debian and Hypriot mysql images.

This repository contains Dockerfile of a dockerized Jeedom based on a Resin image. The mysql database is based on Hypriot mysql image.

Base Docker Images


  1. Install Docker on your Raspberry pi.

  2. Create the directory used to store the mysql database :

    mkdir -p /home/pi/jeedom/mysql
  1. Start a container for the Jeedom database :
    docker run --name jeedom-mysql -v /home/pi/jeedom/mysql:/var/lib/mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=password -e TZ=Europe/Paris -d hypriot/rpi-mysql
  1. Create the directory used to store the Jeedom data :
    mkdir -p /home/pi/jeedom/data
  1. Start a new Jeedom container :
    docker run --name jeedom --link jeedom-mysql:mysql --privileged -v /home/pi/jeedom/data:/var/www/html -e ROOT_PASSWORD=jeedom -p 9080:80 -p 9022:22 -d codafog/jeedom-rpi
  1. Connect to your Raspberry IP at port 9080 with a web browser and enjoy playing with Jeedom.

Using docker compose

You can also use the docker compose file to build both containers :

  1. Run both containers based on the docker-compose.yml file :
    docker-compose up


Githud Address : https://github.com/CodaFog/jeedom-rpi