A Jeedom Docker image for Raspberry Pi based on Resin Debian and Hypriot mysql images.
This repository contains Dockerfile of a dockerized Jeedom based on a Resin image. The mysql database is based on Hypriot mysql image.
Install Docker on your Raspberry pi.
Create the directory used to store the mysql database :
mkdir -p /home/pi/jeedom/mysql
- Start a container for the Jeedom database :
docker run --name jeedom-mysql -v /home/pi/jeedom/mysql:/var/lib/mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=password -e TZ=Europe/Paris -d hypriot/rpi-mysql
- Create the directory used to store the Jeedom data :
mkdir -p /home/pi/jeedom/data
- Start a new Jeedom container :
docker run --name jeedom --link jeedom-mysql:mysql --privileged -v /home/pi/jeedom/data:/var/www/html -e ROOT_PASSWORD=jeedom -p 9080:80 -p 9022:22 -d codafog/jeedom-rpi
- Connect to your Raspberry IP at port 9080 with a web browser and enjoy playing with Jeedom.
You can also use the docker compose file to build both containers :
- Run both containers based on the docker-compose.yml file :
docker-compose up
Githud Address : https://github.com/CodaFog/jeedom-rpi