1. Initialized the app with create-react-app
  2. Added Scoreboard and Player components
  3. Added Title component and AddPlayerForm stub component
  4. Mapped render of players array in local state
  5. Sorting players right before rendering them
  6. Sorting players by name instead of score
  7. Allow the user to choose whether to sort by name or score
  8. Added incrementScore callback prop
  9. Added a button to the Player component which calls the callback prop
  10. Wrapping incrementScore to get the right player's ID
  11. Implemented updating scores of players
  12. Added reset button
  13. Added Sass and fun indicator stylings
  14. Added funky styles to the score increment button
  15. Added a controlled component (input field) in the AddPlayerForm
  16. Using the addPlayer callback prop to inform the Scoreboard to add a new player
  17. Actually adding new players
  18. Clearing the input field after adding player