
Sample code for the Taste of Code event

Primary LanguageHTML

Taste of Code

Welcome the Taste of Code.

  • hosted and sponsored by Mirabeau
  • introduction to codaisseur. train developers and teach skill for people to apply in their job + why we do this
  • Uitleggen dat we van alles maar een 'taste geven' en alleen uitleggen wat we doen.
  • The whole day will be a interactive excercise where we show you a bit of theory and after that immidiately let you apply this theory. If things go too fast, please slow me down by asking questions.
  • Our starters will be HTML and CSS. They will prepare you for the main course, Javascript!
  • All presentations and exercises will be in English but most teachers and coaches speak Dutch aswell.
  • If you have question. first ask the person to your right or left. if you cannot figure it out together you can always ask one of the coaches
  • Can everyone get out their laptops if you haven't already and join our SLACK. Slack will be the main means of sharing links and stuff today


We will start off with HTML. HTML is the language of the web. Any website you ever vistited was made with html. HTML started off as a pure text based document format. With each new version of HTML, it was adapted to the new requirements of the web.

What does a html document look like?

<!DOCTYPE html>

You can see the hierarchy clearly in this example. This document format is called XML. HTML is a sub-format of XML.

HTML is made of tags and text TERM: TAG what is a tag. Always close tags

Tags have a certain style by default. Look at paragraph and Header for example.

Exercise 01

Everyone open up your laptops and lets write the base of the html document we will be using today.

Write small HTML document with H1 and P

There are many other tags available but today we will mostly use the DIV (Document division).


It is nice that text has a certain style by default. but sometimes you want something more. For example you want to give a color to the text.

The way we will show you how CSS works is with a inline STYLE tag. There are other ways but we will not discuss those today.

So for example you want the background of your page to be green! To do this you need to write a CSS selector. You can select a tag by its name. in this example that will be <body>.

Let us all do this together. We make a css selector for body and add the green property to it.

Let us select the HTML TAG And now we change the setting for background color to green

Exercise 02

Use selector to change the color of the html page to green and the text color to white

How would we select the Header(<h1>)? We will do this by creating a css class. A css class can contain certain properties that can be applied to multiple elements.

Lets assume we want to be able to display a warning text. A warning text is underlined and is red.

To apply the warning text to our existing document we need to write it inline. This is done inside a <style> tag. A css class looks like this: .class{} and properties always look like this: property: value;

If we make a warning class it would look like this:

	color: red;
	text-decoration: underline;

If you want to apply a certain CSS class to a html tag, you have to assign it in the tag like class='warning'.

Exercise 03

Lets apply the warning class to the h1

There are many more things we can change.

Exercise 03

border & radius

Now let us make a balloon! A balloon will exist of a container tag, a bubble and a string

TODO: explain about pixels

To make a balloon we will use the DIV tag. With CSS we can make a balloon. Let us start with the bubble. It has to be round, and has a color. We can do this by setting a width and height and setting a background color and radius.

You can pick any color for your balloon. The easiest way to do this is by its english name. (You can also pick a color with a value. !explain hexidecimal?!)

Exercise 04

circle and color

make it oval

Now lets add a line for the balloon.

Exercise 04

balloon string

Are there any questions?

Now it is time for lunch.


We will now get to the main course of our taste of code.

So lets get to code. We will teach you what code is by javascript. What is javascript? Is a programming language that runs in the browser. It is run as plain text.

Let us start with doing something simple in javascript! Everyone open the developer console in Chrome View > Developer > Javascript console


Run something easy in the Chrome development console like 1 + 1

Simple calculations are not really what programming is about but it is a nice introduction to the console.

What programming is all about is variables, functions, conditions, loops, methods and objects.

You have to understand, if you use a programming language, you are telling the machine or program what to do.

In this case we are going to tell the browser what it should do. But in other cases it could be your computer, phone or refrigerator.

This is called declarative programming.

So let's have to browser do something


close the window with window.close();

What we did here is we used the window object and called the close method on it.

TODO explain object and method a bit.

Now let us use javascript to copy the balloon.

We can do this with normal javascript, but javascript is a old language and not so nice.

So we choose to use jQuery for this. jQuery is specifically created to make it easy to work with HTML and javascript.

TODO explain a bit more what jquery is and what librarians are

Let us add Jquery to the page and test if it works.

Exercise 05

Add jquery to the page and test if $ gives something back.

With jquery we can easily select our balloon and duplicate it.

Exercise 06

Select the balloon and call clone() on it.

Selecting is nice, but sometimes you want to use it at a later time. To do this you can work with a variable. A variable is a combination of a name and a value

Exercise 07

Show you can also use variable for the window object and the window.close() function and for the result of 1 + 1

Make a variable called balloon

Copy the balloon and add it to the document

We can also do this multiple times. This is called a loop. A loop looks like this:

for(var i=0; i<10; i++){

Everything that is inside the brackets with run 10 times.

A loop can have different shapes but this is its most common one. The keyword for is used to note the start of the loop. Then a counter is created that is increased every time the loop runs. and every time it is run there is a check to see if it should stop already.

Exercise 08

Duplicate the balloon in a loop

One of the nice things about javascript is that you can react to certain events in the browser. These events will generally come from something the user does.

We can for example tell the browser to do something when a balloon is clicked

TODO explain about this and function

Exercise 09

Add click event to balloon

Make the balloon disappear

Right now all the balloons are drawn from top to bottom. This is not so nice. So let us do some advanced positioning

Right now our document is in the standard layout mode. But we can tell the browser we want to position our elements ourselves.

We can do this by adding the position: absolute property to our balloon

Exercise 10

Add css for position absolute

Change position in the loop to draw all balloons on a line

Off course to make it a game we need to keep the score. Let's make a counter to keep score of all balloons that were clicked

Exercise 11

Show a counter for each disappeared balloon

Welcome to the end of our Javascript afternoon program. We have some additional exercises lined up for you

Let us end this with putting our work online on bitballoon.com


Extra Repetition

Style the counter with CSS

Make the loop run 15 times instead of 10

Use something else instead of balloons

TODO: smaller balloons

Externalize CSS

Extra Enhancement

Change the color of a balloon

Change the color of all balloons

Add animation

Show counter in the center of the screen after all balloons are offscreen

Add Sound

Advanced animation (various speed)

TODO: one by one

Examples of earlier


First group: geologist-alexander-57143.bitballoon.com http://florist-daphne-71757.bitballoon.com/ http://allcatsgotoheaven.bitballoon.com/ http://gunner-otter-64220.bitballoon.com/ http://solicitor-perkin-34680.bitballoon.com/ http://gatekeeper-bonnie-35756.bitballoon.com/ http://operator-dog-33562.bitballoon.com/ golpher-hamster-77245.bitballoon.com geologist-mariam-13444.bitballoon.com http://itsawrap.bitballoon.com/ http://jeweler-james-73540.bitballoon.com/ http://model-pools-73822.bitballoon.com/ http://driver-pegs-18552.bitballoon.com/hansfinal.html http://sinksub.bitballoon.com/ http://tialda.getforge.io/

Second group: http://surveyor-processor-77708.bitballoon.com/ flying-birds.bitballoon.com hitsomeballoons.bitballoon.com http://christiansballoongame.bitballoon.com/ http://aim-at-the-teacher.bitballoon.com/ immigration-officer-ruby-23283.bitballoon.com janitor-michael-40142.bitballoon.com biochemist-tapir-50818.bitballoon.com angry-fire-shooting-elephant-baby-kings.bitballoon.com http://singer-cheetah-51760.bitballoon.com/ http://lauras-manenjacht2.bitballoon.com/ http://actor-hamster-44250.bitballoon.com/ pop-a-cupcake2016.bitballoon.com cobbler-operator-38436.bitballoon.com http://athlete-ethel-86852.bitballoon.com/ http://importer-frog-52157.bitballoon.com/ http://greengame.bitballoon.com/