Welcome to Code Hammers!

The journey of learning to code continues after graduation. Code Hammers was created to give Codesmith alumni the opportunity to work together and build something useful for the community.

As you know, alums have access to the Codesmith intranet. While, the intranet is a staple for many during the job search, it lacks a bit of flair. Thus the idea to create a robust intranet for alumni. Enter Code Hammers!

Why Contribute?

Building and contributing is the best way to learn how to code! We wanted to provide the opportunity for those looking to sharpen their skills to contribute to a large codebase.

  1. Experience the development workflow on a much greater scale
  2. Receive code reviews and guidance on tasks
  3. Work with engineers currently in the industry (get those referrals!)
  4. It's FUN!!!

Table of Contents

  1. Dev Environment Setup
  2. Starting the Application
  3. Style Guide

Dev Environment Setup

With any large codebase, there is always going to be some sort of environment setup. Code Hammers is a monorepo, the repo for the frontend code and backend code are contained within one repo. You will notice there are multiple package.json files. This is not always the case!

  • Clone the repo
  • Create an .env file in the root
    • Reach out Sean or Jimmy for all secret variables. These will be provided after engineering onboarding is complete.

Starting the Application

There are a few ways to spin up Code Hammers. Scripts are provided for your convenience.

  • npm run docker-dev
    • This will build containers for the entire application
  • npm run dev-ts
    • This will start both the webpack-dev-server for frontend and the backend server and run the app locally. Using this option will require package installs in both the root and client folders.
  • Login credentials

Style Guide

We follow the Airbnb JavaScript Style Guide. Here is a brief refresher, including additional conventions we follow.

Prefer function expressions with arrow syntax (why?)

const myFunction = () => {

Destructure objects (why?)

// Good
const MyComponent = ({prop1, prop2}) => {

// Bad
const MyComponent = (props) => {
  const {prop1, prop2} = props;

// Worse
const MyComponent = (props) => {


  • Never mutate or reassign parameters, instead use a default parameter
  • Place default parameters at the end of the function signature
// Good
const myFunc = (a, b, c = 3) => {

// Bad
const myFunc = (a = 3, b, c) => {
  b = 5


  • Add a semicolon at the end of each statement. (why?)

Single Quotes

  • Prefer single quotes for string literals


  • Variables should be camelCase, while global constants (i.e. action types) should be SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE
  • Functions should also be in camelCase, but names of components should be PascalCase
  • Testing IDs, when used, should be in kebab-case
  • Names of objects and classes should be PascalCase


  • Imports should be placed at the top of each file
  • Order of preference for imports
    • Frameworks
    • Libraries
    • Modules
    • Styles
    • Side-effects (?)
// Framework
import {useState, useEffect} from 'react';

// Library
import { useNavigate } from 'react-router-dom';

// Modules
import SomeComponent from '../../SomeComponent';
import helperFunction from '../../utils/helperFunction';

// Styles
import styles from './MyComponent.module.scss';

// Side-effect
import '../../utils/coolEffects';


Order CSS styles and JSX class names alphabetically

// styles.css
.button {
    display: inline-block;
    font-size: 16px;
    padding: 10px 20px;
    text-align: center;
    text-decoration: none;

// Button.jsx
<Button className='bg-white border border-green-500 font-semibold rounded shadow'>