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React Vite CodeHills - HR App

This is an HR app designed for managing developers by providing tools for conducting reviews and addressing other development concerns.

Getting Started


To run the HR app, follow these steps:

git clone

Install dependencies:

yarn install

Copy .env_example and rename it to .env.local:

cp .env_example .env.local

Update the environment variables in .env.local with your own values


Start the development server:

yarn dev

The app should be available at http://localhost:PORT


To run the tests, use the following command:

yarn test

For test coverage run:

yarn coverage


First, build project:

yarn build

Technology Stack

The HR app is built using the following technologies:


React: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces Vite: A build tool for modern web applications Tailwind CSS: A utility-first CSS framework for rapid UI development Redux: A predictable state container for JavaScript apps SWR: A React hook for data fetching and caching

Dev dependencies

TypeScript: A typed superset of JavaScript Vitest: Blazing Fast Unit Test Framework ESLint: A pluggable linter for JavaScript Prettier: A code formatter


You can check out denislohan/codehills-dev-profile-fe - your feedback and contributions are welcome!