
A full ecommerce website based on a theoretical florist website.

Primary LanguageHTML

Blossom Haven

Welcome to Blossom Haven, where beauty blooms in every petal! We're a floral haven dedicated to crafting unforgettable experiences through exquisite arrangements and impeccable service. Based in London, UK, we bring the charm of fresh flowers to your doorstep.

The site allows users:

  • Browse a wide selection of stunning floral arrangements for every occasion
  • To easily place orders for delivery.
  • To create and manage user profiles for a personalized experience.
  • To read and leave reviews on our products and services.
  • To follow us on social media for the latest updates and inspirations.
  • And more!

Table of contents

Sign in/out
Products List
Products Details
Add & Edit Products
Facebook Page
Instagram Page
Error Pages
Django Admin
Manual Testing
Bugs & Issues Encounterd
Validation Testing
Index LH
Products LH
Reviews LH
Cart LH
Checkout LH
Profiles LH
Django Alltuh LH
Email Setup
Future Features

User Stories

  • User stories were stored in "Burger Blast User Stories" project of my git hub. I was a little delayed in moving them around to completion so times are a bit off although stucture of sprints were followed throughout development.

** Sprint One**

User Stories Needed for MVP Completed
As a user, I can visit the website and see a homepage with navigation to different sections. Yes Yes
As a user I can browse different arrangements of flowers Yes Yes
As a user I can view details of a specific flower bouquet so that I can make informed buying decisions. Yes Yes

** Sprint Two**

User Stories Needed for MVP Completed
As a user I can add items to my shopping cart so that I can purchase them later. Yes Yes
As a user I can view my shopping cart so that proceeded to check out or edit my order Yes Yes
As a User or Admin I can provide my shipping and payment information to complete the purchase. Yes Yes

Sprint Three

User Stories Needed for MVP Completed
As an Admin, when I add, or edit a product to where it has no product image it will show a default no image Yes Yes
As a User, when a product has no image I want to see a default no image so that I know there are no images available for this product Yes Yes
As a Admin I can view and edit existing products so that it updates and users can see the changes Yes Yes
As a admin I can Add products so that users can see and purchase them Yes Yes
As a Admin I can Login to admin panel so that I can view admin panel Yes Yes

Sprint Four

User Stories Needed for MVP Completed
As a user, I want to see if products are available before adding them to the cart. Yes Yes
As an admin, I want to manage the inventory of flowers to ensure availability. Yes Yes

Sprint Five

User Stories Needed for MVP Completed
As a Admin, I want to be able to delete inappropriate reviews to maintain integrity of the site. No Yes
As a User, I want to see all reviews and be able to leave a review on products I have purchased so that myself and other users can make educated purchases. No Yes
As an Admin, I want to manage the availability and pricing of add-on items so that they can only be added if they are in stock. No Yes
As a user, I want to add additional items to compliment my purchase. No Yes

Sprint Six

User Stories Needed for MVP Completed
As an admin, I want to view a summary of orders and manage order statuses so that I can ensure the smooth operation and get the jump on any issues that arise. Yes Yes
As a user, I want to create an account to track my orders and save my shipping information for future purchases. Yes Yes

Sprint Seven

User Story or Action Needed for MVP Completed
As a User or Admin, when i visit the site there is a footer with links to social media and any other relevant footer links. So that I can follow them accordingly. Yes Yes
robots.txt file. and sitemap.xm Yes Yes
Newsletter Signup Yes Yes
Create Products in live database Yes Yes
Instagram page No Yes
Facebook Bussiness page Yes Yes

(MVP = Minimal Viable Product)

Sprint Eight

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Marketing Plan

Social Media Marketing


  1. Create Engaging Content
  • Post high-quality images of your floral arrangements regularly.
  • Share behind-the-scenes content to show the process of creating your arrangements.
  • Post customer testimonials and user-generated content.
  • Use Facebook Stories to share daily updates and limited-time offers.
  1. Leverage Facebook Groups
  • Join local community groups and participate in discussions, subtly promoting your business when relevant.
  1. Run Contests and Giveaways
  • Host contests where participants need to like, share, and comment on your posts for a chance to win a free floral arrangement.
  1. Engage with Your Audience
  • Respond promptly to comments and messages.
  • Ask questions in your posts to encourage interaction.
  • Host live Q&A sessions to engage directly with your audience.


  1. Optimize Instagram Profile
  • Ensure bio clearly describes your business and includes a link to your website.
  • Use a consistent profile picture (logo) for brand recognition.
  1. Create Visually Appealing Content
  • Post high-quality photos and videos of your floral arrangements.
  • Use Instagram Stories to share daily updates and behind-the-scenes content.
  • Use Instagram Reels to showcase quick tutorials, floral arrangement ideas, or customer stories.
  1. Use Hashtags Strategically
  • Use a mix of popular and niche hashtags to increase your reach. Examples include #Florist, #FlowerDelivery, #LondonFlorist, #BlossomHaven, etc.
  • Create a branded hashtag (#BlossomHaven) and encourage customers to use it when they post their own photos.
  1. Engage with Your Community
  • Like and comment on posts from users who use your hashtags or tag you.
  • Follow relevant accounts and engage with their content.
  • Host Instagram Live sessions for real-time interaction with your audience.
  1. Run Contests and Giveaways
  • Similar to Facebook, host Instagram contests where participants need to follow your account, like your post, and tag friends to enter.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

  1. Keyword Research
  • Identify relevant keywords that potential customers are using to search for florists and floral arrangements in London. Use tools like Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, or Ubersuggest.
  1. On-Page SEO
  • Optimize your website’s content with the identified keywords, ensuring they appear in titles, headers, meta descriptions, and throughout your content.
  • Ensure your website is mobile-friendly and has a fast loading speed.
  1. Content Marketing
  • Start a blog on your website where you can post articles related to flowers, floral arrangements, care tips, and occasion-specific floral advice.
  • Create high-quality, informative content that answers common questions and solves problems for your audience.
  1. Local SEO
  • Create a Google My Business profile and keep it updated with your latest information, including business hours, address, and contact details.
  • Encourage satisfied customers to leave positive reviews on your Google My Business profile and other review sites.
  1. Backlink Building
  • Reach out to local bloggers and websites to write guest posts or get featured.
  • Partner with local businesses for cross-promotion and backlinks.
  1. Social Signals
  • Ensure that your social media activity links back to your website. Share your blog posts, promotions, and important updates on your social media profiles to drive traffic and improve your search engine rankings.


If have the £££ look into paid marketing stradegies to get a broader reach look for a good ROI by investigating the target market and plan accordingly.



  • Allows users to navigate the site

Navbar Desktop

Navbar Mobile

Navbar All Products

Navbar Floral Arrangements

Navbar Ocassions

Navbar Register/Signin

Navbar Staff/Superuser logged in

Navbar Customer Logged in


  • The landing page with a call to action and a soothing floral backgorund image.

Index Page


  • Django Allauth register page, allows users to make an account.

Register Page

Email link to confirm account activation and page

Confirm Email Example

Confimed Email Page

Forgot Password

  • Django allauth page for users who forgot password and want to reset it

Forgot Password email page

Forgot Password Emails

Forgot Password Email Image

Forgot Password Email Image

Forgot Pass Change Pass Page

Forgotten password change password form

Chnage Password

  • Django Allauth change password page. Allows logged in users to change account password.

Change Password Page

Change Password Email

Change Password Email

Sign In

  • Django allauth sign in page, allows Users to sign into their accounts using username/Email and password.

Sign In Page

Wrong Email, username, or password

Sign out

  • Django allauth sign out page, allows Users to sign out of their accounts.

Sign out Page


  • Allows users to view past orders and their shipping information which can be updated here.

Profile Page

Change Shipping Details Email

Change shipping email image


  • Allows all visitors to view user left reviews, if logged in can create, edit, and delete their reviews

Reviews Page

Review Confirmation Email

Review confirmation email image

Review Edit Confirmation Email

Change review email image

Review Delete Confirmation Email

Delete review email image

Products List

  • This page has many versions based on user search's and sort parameters. Users can see availble products sorted here with image, product name, price, and average rating.

Product List Page

Products Details

  • This is where users can view a specific product as well as the addons available. This will give a full indepth view into the product including the name (product and addons), if its availble and how many are available (product and addons), product decription, a quanity selector (product and addons), Add to cart (product and addons), and even the price (product and addons).

Product Detail Page

Add or Edit Products

Add Product

  • Here staff and super users can add new products and set all elements of the products.

Add Product Page

Edit Product

  • Here staff and super users can edit products and set all elements of the products.

Edit Product Page

Facebook Page

  • The primary location for social marketing and escentially like a second storefront.

Facebook Screenshot

Instagram Page

  • The secondary more visual only social media marketing.

Instagram Screenshot


  • Links to Social Sites, Legal, and Newsletter signup

Image desktop footer

Image mobile footer

Image privacy policy example footer

Image terms of service footer

Error Pages


400 html error


403 html error


404 html error


500 html error

Django Admin

  • This is the default django admin page for more granual control of site elements.
Admin login image Admin site logged in image
Admin Groups Main Admin Groups Sub
Admin Users Main Admin Users Sub
Admin Order Main Admin Order Sub
Admin Inventory Main Admin Inventory Sub
Admin Categories Main Admin Categories Sub
Admin Products Main Admin Products Sub
Admin Reviews Main Admin Reviews Sub
Social accounts
Admin Social Account Main Admin Social  Account Sub
Social app tokens
Admin Social Token Main Admin Social Token Sub
Social applications
Admin Social App Main Admin Social App Sub

Back to table of contents


Manual Testing


What test was completed Passed? Other information
Login to site as a superuser(Admin) Yes
Log out of site as a superuser Yes
Login to site as a staff (BB) Yes
Log out of site as a staff Yes
Sign up as a customer/user (John.Doe) Yes
Login to site as a customer/user Yes
Log out of site as a customer/user Yes
Email verification Email sent Yes
Can't progress with out verifying Yes
Forgot Password Email sent Yes
Link working and resets password Yes
Change password form Yes Changes the password after submission
Save details check box (checkout) updates Yes Changes the form after submission
Profile details page form loads Yes
Profile page orders made and links work Yes
Profile update information button works Yes Changes the form after submission


What test was completed Passed? Other information
Can add products and get a prompt confirming add Yes Staff and superuser
Can edit products and get a prompt confirming edit Yes Staff and superuser
Can remove products and get a prompt confirming deletion Yes Staff and superuser
All products are avialable to be viewed by everyone Yes
Can designate products as addon and they appear in addons Yes
To top scroll arrow works Yes
Sort by A-Z Yes
Sort by Z-A Yes
Sort by rating low to high Yes
Sort by rating high to low Yes
Sort by price low to high Yes
Sort by price high to low Yes
View catigory nav roses Yes
View catigory nav vibrant Yes
View catigory nav Luxurious Yes
View catigory nav all arangements Yes
View catigory nav Valintines Yes
View catigory nav Birthday Yes
View catigory nav Mothers Day Yes
View catigory nav Houswarming Yes
View catigory nav Thank You Yes
View catigory nav Anniversaries Yes
View catigory nav Graduations Yes
View catigory nav Sympathy Yes
View catigory nav all ocassion's Yes


What test was completed Passed? Other information
Can add inventory Yes Staff and superuser
Can edit inventory Yes Staff and superuser
Can remove inventory Yes Staff and superuser
Inventory updates with purchases Yes Decrease as bought by correct ammount
Users can see the stock available Yes
Out of stock shows visibly Yes
Cant add more then availble to cart Yes
Cant checkout with more then available Yes
Out of stock items display visual messages Yes


What test was completed Passed? Other information
Can set quantity of product to add to cart Yes
Can set quanity of addons to add to cart Yes
Cant add more then allowed to cart Yes
Get a prompt when adding to cart Yes
Can view cart as superuser Yes
Can view cart as staff Yes
Can view cart as customer Yes
Can update product quantity in cart Yes
Get prompt for new cart update Yes
Can remove product from cart Yes
Get prompt for new cart deletions update Yes
Cart carries over to checkout Yes


What test was completed Passed? Other information
Cart carries over to checkout Yes
Checkout shipping info form loads Yes
Checkout strip form loads Yes
Checkout form submits Yes
Checkout loaing blue and white arrows loads Yes
Checkout successful Yes
Checkout unsuccessful Yes
Checkout mssing needed information error Yes
Checkout success confirmation page Yes
Checkout success confirmation email Yes
Order shows on admin site Yes


What test was completed Passed? Other information
Make review as a customer/user Yes
Make review as a superuser Yes
Make review as staff Yes
Edit review as a customer/user Yes
Edit review as a superuser Yes
Edit review as staff Yes
Delete review as a customer/user Yes
Delete review as a superuser Yes
Delete review as staff Yes
Review creation email sends Yes
Review edited email sends Yes
Review deletion email sends Yes


What test was completed Passed? Other information
Make a super user (Admin) Yes
make staff role and permissions Yes
Login to Django admin as customer/user Yes Only staff can log in successfully
Login to Django admin as superuser Yes Only staff can log in successfully
Login to Django admin as staff Yes Only staff can log in successfully
Log out of Django admin as superuser Yes
Log out of Django admin as staff Yes
Successfully change any users data on admin site Yes
Superuser can visit all links Yes
Staff can visit appropriate links only Yes
Accounts functionality working as intended Yes
Products functionality working as intended Yes
Checkout functionality working as intended Yes
Admin Action send order shiped email Yes Email Recieved
Admin Action send order delivered email Yes Email Recieved
Admin Action send order cancled Yes Email Recieved
Reviews functionality working as intended Yes

Bugs & Issues Encountered

Bugs/Issues Encountered link More about the issue Fixed?
Issues loading css from file Ended up being a issue in settings.py Yes
Stock going negative added checks to any where stock can be effected Yes
Ratings not showing Users could set 0 rating leading to no ratings showing Yes
Sort by ratings Ratings had caused pages not to load Yes
Sort by ratings No Rating shows before ratings in high to low No
Webhook Issue Missing env varriable Yes
Webhook payment_intent.succeeded Issue Missing env varriable Yes

Back to table of contents

Validation Testing


All Scripts checked with PEP8 Code institute


File Line Image
blossom_haven\settings.py All Blossom Haven Settings Pep8 screenshot
blossom_haven\urls.py All Blossom Haven Urls Pep8 screenshot
blossom_haven\wsgi.py All Blossom Haven WSGI Pep8 screenshot


File Line Image
cart\apps.py All Cart Apps Pep8 screenshot
cart\contexts.py All Cart Contexts Pep8 screenshot
cart\urls.py All Cart Urls Pep8 screenshot
cart\views.py All Cart Views Pep8 screenshot
cart\templatetags\cart_tools.py All Cart carttools Pep8 screenshot


File Line Image
checkout\admin.py All Checkout Admin Pep8 screenshot
checkout\apps.py All Checkout Apps Pep8 screenshot
checkout\forms.py All Checkout Forms Pep8 screenshot
checkout\models.py All Checkout Models Pep8 screenshot
checkout\signals.py All Checkout Signals Pep8 screenshot
checkout\views.py All Checkout Views Pep8 screenshot
checkout\webhook_handler.py All Checkout Webhook Handler Pep8 screenshot
checkout\webhooks.py All Checkout Webhook Pep8 screenshot


File Line Image
home\apps.py All Home Apps Pep8 screenshot
home\urls.py All Home Urls Pep8 screenshot
home\views.py All Home Views Pep8 screenshot


File Line Image
inventory\admin.py All Pep8 screenshot
inventory\apps.py All Pep8 screenshot
inventory\models.py All Pep8 screenshot
inventory\signals.py All Pep8 screenshot


File Line Image
products\admin.py All Pep8 screenshot
products\apps.py All Pep8 screenshot
products\forms.py All Pep8 screenshot
products\models.py All Pep8 screenshot
products\urls.py All Pep8 screenshot
products\views.py All Pep8 screenshot
products\widgets.py All Pep8 screenshot


File Line Image
profiles\apps.py All Profiles Apps Pep8 screenshot
profiles\forms.py All Profiles Forms Pep8 screenshot
profiles\models.py All Profiles Models Pep8 screenshot
profiles\signals.py All Profiles Signals Pep8 screenshot
profiles\urls.py All Profiles Urls Pep8 screenshot
profiles\views.py All Profiles Views Pep8 screenshot


File Line Image
reviews\admin.py All Review Admin Pep8 screenshot
reviews\apps.py All Review Apps Pep8 screenshotPep8 screenshot
reviews\forms.py All Review Forms Pep8 screenshot
reviews\models.py All Review Models Pep8 screenshot
reviews\urls.py All Review Urls Pep8 screenshot
reviews\views.py All Review Views Pep8 screenshot


File Line Image
manage.py All Manage.py Pep8 screenshot


  • All my custom js scripts were run though jshint.
File Line Image
Cart HTML JS All Cart HTMl side js
Stripe js All Stripe js
Async loading product image All Async product image
Scroll button All Scroll button
Add/Edit product html js All Add/Edit product html side js
Sortby js All Sortby js
Country Field js All Country Field js


  • checked my custom base.css with W3 CSS Validator direct input; completed with a few warnings.


css verification img


  • checked all non logged in pages as html urls and logged in pages as raw html with W3 HTML Validator on all custom pages with no errors or warnings. Django allauth and a few cripsy forms have some errors.
Page Image
Home Home page html check
Products list All products
Product Details Product Details
Cart Cart
Checkout Checkout
Order view Order View
Profiles Profiles
Reviews Reviews
Django-allauth Register Django-allauth Register
Django-allauth Login Django-allauth Login
Django-allauth Logout Django-allauth Logout
Django-allauth Change Password Django-allauth Change Password
Django-allauth Reset Password Django-allauth Reset Password
Add Product Add Product
Edit Product Edit Product
Add Review Add Review
Edit Review Edit Review


Contrast Check

Back to table of contents


Index LH

Chrome lighthouse desktop Chrome mobile lighthouse
Screencap index lighthouse desktop Screencap index lighthouse mobile

Products LH

Product Add LH

Chrome lighthouse desktop Chrome mobile lighthouse
Screencap product add lighthouse desktop Screencap product add lighthouse mobile

Product Edit LH

Chrome lighthouse desktop Chrome mobile lighthouse
Screencap product edit lighthouse desktop Screencap product edit lighthouse mobile

Products List LH

Chrome lighthouse desktop Chrome mobile lighthouse
Screencap products list lighthouse desktop Screencap products list lighthouse mobile

Product Details LH

Chrome lighthouse desktop Chrome mobile lighthouse
Screencap product details lighthouse desktop Screencap product details lighthouse mobile

Reviews LH

Product Reviews LH

Chrome lighthouse desktop Chrome mobile lighthouse
Screencap reviews lighthouse desktop Screencap reviews lighthouse mobile

Product Reviews Add LH

Chrome lighthouse desktop Chrome mobile lighthouse
Screencap review add lighthouse desktop Screencap review add lighthouse mobile

Product Reviews Edit LH

Chrome lighthouse desktop Chrome mobile lighthouse
Screencap review edit lighthouse desktop Screencap review edit lighthouse mobile

Cart LH

Chrome lighthouse desktop Chrome mobile lighthouse
Screencap cart lighthouse desktop Screencap cart lighthouse mobile

Checkout LH

Chrome lighthouse desktop Chrome mobile lighthouse
Screencap checkout lighthouse desktop Screencap checkout lighthouse mobile

Profiles LH

Chrome lighthouse desktop Chrome mobile lighthouse
Screencap profiles lighthouse desktop Screencap profiles lighthouse mobile

Django Alltuh LH


Chrome lighthouse desktop Chrome mobile lighthouse
Screencap profiles lighthouse desktop Screencap profiles lighthouse mobile


Chrome lighthouse desktop Chrome mobile lighthouse
Screencap profiles lighthouse desktop Screencap profiles lighthouse mobile


Chrome lighthouse desktop Chrome mobile lighthouse
Screencap profiles lighthouse desktop Screencap profiles lighthouse mobile

Change Password

Chrome lighthouse desktop Chrome mobile lighthouse
Screencap profiles lighthouse desktop Screencap profiles lighthouse mobile

Forgot Password

Chrome lighthouse desktop Chrome mobile lighthouse
Screencap profiles lighthouse desktop Screencap profiles lighthouse mobile

Back to table of contents



Seting Up Database

  1. Go to elephantsql
  2. Make an account or sign in (I used my GitHub account)
  3. Once logged in hit the "+ Create New Instance"

elephantsql loggedin page

  1. Set up a name for the plan.
  2. Select version for the plan.
  3. Optional Add any tags if you wish
  4. Hit "select region" button

elephantsql Setup Paln page

  1. Select a Data Center.
  2. Once chosen hit the "Review" button

elephantsql Data Center page

  1. If all looks correct hit "Create Instance"

elephantsql Conrifm page

  1. Now you have your database set up all that is left is linking it to django project.
  2. URL has a copy button hit this to copy your URL

elephantsql Data Base page

  1. Now you need to put this in your env file for the project or in your heroku config variables

Heroku Cofig Variables

Key Value
DATABASE_URL postgres database url
  • In the .env put it as "DATABASE_URL=your.database.url.HERE"
  1. Now its linked to your project make sure to run the command to migrate all the models into your database as it is currently empty.
  • Make migrations if you made any recent changes to the database models.

python manage.py makemigrations

  • Migrate to move all the changes into your database.

python manage.py migrate

  1. Now that migration is completed you are all set.
  2. If you recieved an error please sort this out and then try again.

Visualization of Databae

Data Visiualization

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Creating a Cloudinary Account

  1. Sign Up for Cloudinary: Go to Cloudinary's website and sign up for a new account.
  2. Verify Your Email: Follow the instructions in the email sent to you to verify your email address.

Integrating Cloudinary with Django

  1. Install Cloudinary Library: Run the following command in your terminal to install the Cloudinary Python library:

    run in terminal
    pip install cloudinary
  2. Configure Settings: In your Django project's settings.py file, add the following configurations:

    .env env.py or equivilent follow correct stucture for local deployment

Line to enter
CLOUDINARY_API_KEY = Api key value
CLOUDINARY_API_SECRET = Api secret value
CLOUDINARY_FOLDER_NAME = Cloudinary folder name

(Replace all after "=" with your information)

Heroku Cofig Variables for live delpoyment

Key Value

(Replace all Values with your information)

  1. Set Up Cloudinary Storage Backend: Add the following line to settings.py to use Cloudinary as the storage backend for media files:
Add to settings.py
DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE = 'cloudinary_storage.storage.MediaCloudinaryStorage'
  1. Accessing Cloudinary URLs: Whenever you upload media files in your Django application, they will automatically be stored in Cloudinary. You can access the URLs of these files to display them in your application.

  2. Optional: Resize and Manipulate Images: Cloudinary provides various transformation options for images. You can resize, crop, and apply filters to images using Cloudinary's URL-based transformations.

  3. Testing Integration: Upload a sample media file through your Django application and verify that it gets stored in Cloudinary.

  4. Further Customizations: Explore Cloudinary's documentation for more advanced features and customizations, such as video processing, secure URLs, and transformation options.

  5. Congradulations you should be all set up

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Stripe for this project

  1. Creat a Stripe account.
  2. Once created following Stripes steps click developer at the top.
  3. Click API Keys and coppy API keys (Public and Secret) into the env file or on heroku if deployed there:
Key Name Key Value
  1. Next set up a webhook on stripe and copy its secrect key (Signing secret) to do this Follow step 2 and then hit webhook this time. | Key Name | Key Value | | :---------------: | :------------: | | STRIPE_WH_SECRET | WH_Signing_Secret |

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Used Heroku to deploy the website. You can Visit Live Site by clicking here

How to deploy to Heroku:

  1. Run Migrations: Once your project is deployed, you'll need to run any pending database migrations. You can do this using Heroku's web-based console or by running commands in your local terminal.
  2. Create a Superuser: If your project uses Django's admin interface, you may want to create a superuser account on Heroku. You can do this by accessing your app's shell through the Heroku dashboard and running the createsuperuser command.
  3. Create a Heroku Account: If you haven't already, sign up for a Heroku account at heroku.com.
  4. Prepare Your Django Project: Ensure your Django project is properly configured for deployment. This includes setting up a requirements.txt file listing all dependencies and a Procfile specifying the command to start your application.
  5. Install Gunicorn: Gunicorn is a WSGI HTTP server for Python. You'll need to install it via pip: "pip install gunicorn"
  6. Create a Procfile: In the root directory of your project, create a file named Procfile (without any file extension) and add the following line: web: "web: gunicorn burger_blast.wsgi:application"
  7. Update Django Settings: Ensure your Django settings.py file is configured to work in a production environment. This includes setting DEBUG = False and adding Heroku's domain to the ALLOWED_HOSTS list.
  8. Create a requirements.txt File: Generate a requirements.txt file listing all Python dependencies your project needs. You can create it by running: "pip freeze > requirements.txt"
  9. Create a Heroku App: Go to the Heroku dashboard and create a new app. Choose a unique name for your app.
  10. Link GitHub Repo: Under deploy tab in the settings link your GitHub repository.
  11. Set Up Environment Variables: Now under settings tab set any necessary environment variables for this django project. See chart below for needed key and values.

Heroku Cofig Variables

Key Value
DATABASE_URL postgres database url
DJANGO_SECRET_KEY Django secret key for the project
SENDGRID_API_KEY sendgrid api key

(Replace all Values with your information)

  1. Deploy Your Project: Back under deploy tab on Heroku scroll down to manual deploy and choose the branch you wish to deploy and hit button "Deploy Branch" wait for the success and trouble shoot if needed.

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Email Setup

Using Gmail for this site others may varry slightly

  1. Go to Gmail:
  • If you already have a Gmail account, you can skip this step
  • If not, click on "Create account" and follow the instructions to set up a new Gmail account.
  1. Sign in to your Gmail account:
  • Visit Gmail and log in with your email and password.
  1. Setting up app passowrd follow these instructions
  1. Set Up the settings.py File in Django

Add to your settings.py

Line to enter
import os (if not already imported)
EMAIL_BACKEND = 'django.core.mail.backends.smtp.EmailBackend'
EMAIL_HOST = 'smtp.gmail.com'
  1. Set Up Configuration Variables for Email Credentials

    .env env.py or equivilent follow correct stucture for local development

Line to enter in settings.py
EMAIL_HOST_USER = your_email@gmail.com
EMAIL_HOST_PASS = your_app_password

(Replace all after "=" with your information)

Heroku Cofig Variables for live deployments

Key Value
EMAIL_HOST_USER Your gamil email
EMAIL_HOST_PASS your_app_password

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Technology used


Landing Page

Image for admin page wireframe

Product Page

Image for admin page wireframe

Product detail Page

Image for admin page wireframe

Cart Page

Image for admin page wireframe

Checkout Page

Image for admin page wireframe

Reviews Page

Image for admin page wireframe



  • All images use on the website are made by fooocus which at time of writting this is a completely free AI image generator that uses your own hardware to generate images.

More Credits

  • My wife who’s been super supportive of this change in career for me and just being out right amazing we will get her into this one way or another I am sure.

  • Code Institute for providing an excellent accelerated learning platform worth every penny.

  • Botique Ado walk through from code instiute as this was the basis of the project. I originally was going to expand on that but I had a spur of the moment idea for a floarist site and I think I have nailed my version of a MVP and even tweaked it some more.

  • My farmers market food stall Bokit'la they helped insprie the project unknowingly as I told them I had this project coming up and I will possibly be helping them soon impliment shopify to their website. As a side project I want to remake their site in Django and they said do it and send it so next up is theirs. I would have done it for this but they are specifically looking for shoppify and thats possibly out side the grading for this. They got my brain thinking of ideas and Blossom Haven came out of the wood works from that.

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Future feature ideas

Feature Ideas Why Not Implimented
Cuppons/voucher Time and it wasn't needed for MVP
Blog page Decided at time of writing marketing plan
Further bug squashing Time left till project is due
Better product rendering Time to complete and needs to be re thought also couldn't find a good CDN free
Custom Domain Cost
Rebranding Noticed it to late but many Blossom Havens Exist
Figure out webhook issue Was unable to debug it in time for submission alternative email method provided leaving webhook in submission as its still mostly working just payment_intent.succeeded keeps giving 500 code all others are working correctly with 200 code