
custom exhausts company website

Primary LanguageHTML


SPYRAMOTO responsive test

This project has been created as an official website for a small but really existing company from the market of custom-built motorcycle parts.
It will be a debut website as they ran only social media accounts until now but grew up to stage where own www is a must-have for their goals.



    • fix Product footer position using Bootstrap cards
    • Based of project feedback
      • introduce Back to top button
      • decrease Copyright disclaimer text size
      • replace pictures that makes bad impression (exhaust parts wrapped in black foil that looked like coroner's place)

    • Caps lock style on all subtitles all pages
    • Active Navigation button same as Titles background
    • If all links works correctly after deployment.


  • TO DO
    • Apply
    • Check
  • UX (User Experience)
    • Project Goals
    • Business Goals
    • Targeting
    • Business Values
    • User Goals
    • User Stories
    • Designer Goals
    • Design Choices
      • Fonts
      • Colours
  • Wireframes
  • Features
  • Future Goals
  • Technology Used
  • Testing
    • Issues and Resolutions
  • Known Bugs
  • Deployment
  • Credits
  • Acknowledgements

UX (User Experience)

Project Goals

The goal of this project is to create with use of HTML and CSS languages a static front-end site that will link two parties by presenting information demanded by customers and desired by owner.

Business Goals

  • Goal: Increase sales.

    • Having a website to being officialy present in the internet, well-organized content, user-friendly site, effective calls to action, over the time establish good conversion rate (unsettled / unknown yet for this kind of niche market and not having this sort of data from past),
    • Motivate an audience to take next step (call, text, e-mail or submit a web inquiry). Designed pages and implemented features should serving to that goal by many marketing and decision-making ways.
  • Gain trust.

    • Delivering history of company confirmed in timeline on social media,
    • Assuring quality of product by providing buyers reviews,
    • Upfront display of models highlighting quality of craftsmanship,
    • Offering lifetime warranty with shipment cost covered.
  • Improve communication with potential customers.

    • Present contact details for different communication channels.
      • Highlight benefits of WhatsApp costless contact.
  • Increase number of social media real followers.

    • stablishing easy access to owners socials channels.
  • Become an growing engineer.

    • Providing information about wide range of products,
    • Releasing teaser about research and tests of new materials to be introduced in near future,
    • Providing open-minded approach to external, unlisted models or requested extra shaped / custom-tailored projects.

User values

  • The user has access to the gallery, gets offers, sees range of products and has possibility to ask for price or any additional
    questions through form or using contact details. Here highlighted WhatsApp feature informs that unwelcomed international
    call/text costs can be avoided, handy especially to ease contact for overseas buyers (company has a global range of consumers).

    Visitor can recognise credibility of company, an essential verification based on insight into company social media profiles.
    That allows to assess owner’s timeline, check quality of followers, number of comments and likes. In times of scam websites
    and fake sellers it is appreciated “tool” for customer. Meanwhile it works perfectly for the owner to attract visitor to become
    a follower or further - earn a buyer.

    Contact form delivers simple communication channel to ask whatever they like.


  • Who is the focus of the goal?

    • a biker who wants to tuning their machine in significant way by adding hand crafted exhaust,
    • a friend or close person (or group) who knows one interest and want to buy a gift / surprise,
    • motorcycle owner, enthusiast of bold design.
  • Why users buy a product?

    • to feel satisfaction while driving,
    • to be noticed by other road users,
    • to make impression in visited places by look and sound,
    • to be recognizable differnet among all riders on the same bike model,
    • to share their proud with social media,
    • to make a gift for someone else,
    • to reach for a Bucket List item.
  • What they're worried about?

    • high prices,
    • hidden fees,
    • long time of product delivered,
    • fake company (scam),
    • unskilled welder (bungler),
    • poor materials / quality,
    • bad look of product (aesthetics).
  • How to help them?

    • clear straight prices,
    • walk through order to delivery process
    • assurance of delivery fee included (where possible - currently Europe),
    • gain trust by proving buyers good experience and social media reputation, pictures of products and from buyerrs feedback.

Business values

The owner has an opportunity to display products in the Web, advertise extras, attract buy decision by highlighting offers,
prove experience as successful entrepreneur for number of years and show his technical skills through pictures of products
and positive feedback from actual customers and fanpage visitors.

Heritage and trust gained by couple of years posting on healthy accounts Facebook and Instagram with no-fake-followers
has been incorporated now into webpage to build strong image of “entrepreneur you can rely”. Pictures bringing closer to
product and enthusiastic comments can assure new visitors about how stable this company is.

There’s more behind this project – client motivated by creating process of the website ordered new line of logo from States,
that led to creating cool picture in terms of overall marketing and public relations.

User goals

The main expected user falls into one of the below criteria:

  • Motorcycle owner

  • Motorcycle / classic / vehicle enthusiast

  • Biker family or friends

  • Someone who seen one of the page photo content in image searching machine by looking for custom-built botorbike

User stories

Research done at beggining of creatng this website delivered following goals:

  • Need to veryfy if company is real
  • Products quality/look meets potential buyer's expectations
  • Find a proce without hassle of asking for
  • Get a contact details to ask specific questions



  • Common elements
    • The header announce purpose of the website, mainly for positioning reasons (crucial content of Header 1), this element is hidden on smallest displays for sake of better landing page impression. Right below is main navigation that stays exactly same on all pages: Logo of company (with its initial “S” letter used for favicon) has black background and is linked to index page – same as Home button. Next buttons (“About”, “Range” and “Media”) ore getting slightly brighter shade of grey. Always one of them indicates at which page you’re at the moment. They are interactive laptop/PC screens when mouse hover over particular element – color change to a bit brother that active page button color. This reddish color is kept for all h2 section titles and makes good effect as first title on page looks like an active tab – descendant of active menu button. Yellow color of company logo is kept over all yellow accents on website.
    • The footer is repeated on all pages to make it easy to learn for the visitor to get in touch (alternative ways to Contact form) and bright social media icons (color-coded with their linked platforms) calls to check out more information on the provided Social Media networks (long timeline, positive feedback and pictures that proves quality and aesthetics, finally – increase number of true followers) and spreads advertisement widely by this days version of “Word-of-mouth”.
  • The Home page

    begins with a jumbotron style hero image with a motorbike background introducing what the page is about. It's a short and to the point statement as well as CTA (call to action) button allowing the visitor and a potential client to immediately enquire about the exhaust for their bike.

Below jumbotron there is a manual on how to order and how looks all procedure steps for customer between making decision and holding product in their hands, a walk through. This section also includes a promise of no hidden costs, as well as promise of free delivery within Europe.
As we scroll down, we see an invitation to getting in touch followed by convenient form. There is also a disclaimer below, in case there are special circumstances applying to a potential customer's bike. This is followed by the footer which repeats throughout the website.
  • The About page
    Begins with a hero image introducing the CEO and Designer in one, the owner of the company. Just below there is a short three columned introduction to the person behind SpyraMoto:

    • The Scratch
      is about the Family Roots and where the love for motorcycles come from and ends with internal link in blue pill button that gives a user opportunity to check whole range of products.
    • SpyraMoto describes how Wojtek started and what drives him and contains promise of Lifetime guarantee, a strong statement declaring quality and proactive company approach.
    • The Futures touches on the attention to detail and what is in store for Future days for SpyraMoto, this sends also a message that company is bursting, keeps development and is innovation-orientated.

    As we scroll down, there is a map showing where some of past clients are coming from as well as the reviews section end up with Legal notice about copyrights and statement that owner holds documentation for these testimonials.

  • Range page
    starts with triple message to encourage reader to take an action, convince him it’s deserved to beautify his bike. Right below starts the portfolio of SpyraMoto works (shorted to 6 of over 30 models just to show my concept of presentation), which essentially shows the quality of it. Designed to have visually three different columns on tablets and bigger displays as well as keep dirrerent background for each product in responsive version on smartphones.
    As a prospect customer I can immediately check out some examples of Wojtek's work, in case I am not sure what I want or if I like their look. As range covers three main brands: Harley-Davidson, BMW and Yamaha, every model has been marked with a brand-named button that corresponds with color code of particular brand, e.g. exact shade of red used by Yamaha.
    At smartphones it contains only first 3 products as a teaser with extra message encouraging user to visit more products on more comfortable displays such a tablets or computers. * In future this section is going to be extended by:
    - clickable mini gallery of each product to show each model alone and at least one example of exhaust already fitted to bike.
    - filter options to display all products for chosen 1 brand only
    - functionality of social media: like / share.

  • Media page
    Brings the prospect client behind the scenes of exhaust production. Video brings some level of excitement about the product, the visitor to the page gets to see the man behind the company before they contact Wojtek and can appreciate a craftmanship that may bring over decision to make first step and become a buyer.
    This is followed by various articles to showcase Spyramoto presence in media with date of publication - these confirms that Wojtek – the owner, is trustful player on the market and company is stable and reliable. This impression was one of the keys to assure visitor this is not a scam business nor some freshly started EU granted project that could collapse after time essential to keep donated grants. Yes, this is life.

Features testing

  • Links, pictures, video and all featrued tested for leading to correct place, proper hover (where applicable), opening internal or blank page etc.

Features Left to Implement

  • Buy now
  • Filter: display all products for same bike model
  • Embedded Google Maps with Buyers town location (respect to GDPR)

Technologies Used

In this section, you should mention all of the languages, frameworks, libraries, and any other tools that you have used to construct this project. For each, provide its name, a link to its official site and a short sentence of why it was used.

  • JQuery
    • The project uses JQuery to simplify DOM manipulation.
    • Popper.js and jQuerry
    • Photoshop
    • Bootstrap
    • Font Awesome


Tested on PC, laptop, iMac, iPad, notebook and dozen smartphones plus my reviewers devices.

  1. Contact form implemented on level to conform returned values.


Site deplyed successfully.


  • Licenses: • Hover.css is made available under a free personal/open source license. • Copyrights of Third parties quotations requests approved

Interactive: • Hover o social media icons – turning into “owner’s yellow”, o author in video description. • Copyrights of Third parties quotations requests approved.
Other sources: • Google Fonts o Montserrat (content) o Notable (titles)
Responsiveness: • SpyraSparksmaster8.png - a little roundy sparky another logo of owner displayed in top right corner only for displays md + • CUSTOM EXHAUST #1 – Main title centered on displays sm and smaller • Contact icons – in footer, hidden for displays 576 – 870px to keep clearer look for this section without breaking line into 2 rows • Contact paragraph - decreased padding (screens 871-950px) for better visual positioning content of div •
in Intro Title – visible on displays xs and sm • block divider to separate interviews for displays xs-sm • Second and 3rd row of Reviews available only for md+ - with extra message about that displayed only on smartphones • Pictures dividing subsections in Exthaust Tuning section – visible for md+ • Spacer vividing rows in Range – Meet the monsters section md+

Responsivness tested at: • http://ami.responsivedesign.is/

Versions: • At some stage I had to separate ideas that I wanted to implement into project from real version structured to match owner expectations. • Final result placed as public on GitHub will be different from actual business site tailored to their demands. This is just for portfolio display needs.
Used Languages: - HTML - CSS - MARK DOWN (Readme language) !
Efficiency: • Simplified code - reduced number of separate targeting in css. • Loading speed increased – reduced size of graphic elements during editing and saving process (eg. responsive avatar, favicon, logos 96ms loading time) • All image supplied with Alt captions for better positioning and good practice.
Graphic credits: • edited owner delivered logo to create avatar matching design line • edited owner delivered logo to create main logo and extracted favicon • created own graphic in Photoshop – oval car stickers to mark language of particular interview • edited product pictures

Other tools:

Design: durng process of creating I discovered that actual picture of bikes send by customers are to importand to be reduced into thumbnail size that suits rather to users avatars while I wanted to expose all beauty of ready mounted product to give much stronger impression, so initial idea has been modified and Bootstrap Cards proved to be very helpful. Motorcycle brand buttons customised to match official color coding for Yamaha Red, BMW blue and Harley Orange

Page design with rule of third , even for two-columned sections they’re 1/3 + 2/3 of the page width.
Lessons learned:

  • insist on Client to deliver required spreadsheet
  • special characters of business sector – inches, diameters ¾, Pounds, “>” etc…



  • Press Intervews quotation approved by sources:
    • Blog
    • Made In Swietokrzyskie
    • Garage shed costam


  • The photos used in this site were obtained from ...
    • Delivered by the owner
    • From developer own library
    • Thanks to courtesy of photographers/filmmakers: Wiktor Taszlow, Grzegorz Betkowski, Mateusz Iskra



This project delivers values for both client and users. And for me, so it’s win-win-win

This was great opportunity to create content, set and consult PR line, invent and test some marketing tools and combine all
that with good design.

Thanks for reading!


Credits for readme.md:

Code Institute
Richard Wells https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4823468/comments-in-markdown

Credits for project:

  • Matt Rudge
  • Jonathan Munz
  • Kasia Bogucka