
A clean, beautiful and responsive Memory Game made with HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, JQuery and JavaScript.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Memory Game - Top 12 Largest Cities In Sweden

A clean, beautiful and responsive Memory Game made with HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, JQuery and JavaScript.

This is a single page Memory Game website, designed with the Swedish National flag color, in which users play game and learn about Top 12 Largest Cities In Sweden.

The website NavBar contains only the NavBar-Brand as MEMORY GAME, afterwards below is a NavBar-Alert in yellow that displays information on how to play the game.

The Memory Game have the game Time displayed on the left, the Start Game buttom at the center, and the Moves on the right.

There is a game Board page, with title Top 12 Largest Cities In Sweden, with 24 cards matching the Top 12 Largest Cities In Sweden.

The Memory Game have an End Game Greeting Message with a greetng Congratulations!, with a Total Game Time, Moves, Developer, and Share Buton

Finally, the Footer section of the Memory Game contains the Developer information, and Disclaimer notice.


  • You can find live preview for this project here

  • Watch how the game is been played from start to finish below:


This project is for any users around the globe who is looking to learn more about the Swedish society and know about the Top 12 Largest Cities In Sweden in a fun way as they play game.

User story:

  • User plays the game by clicking on Start Game button, the Time begins to count, and Moves are recorded when user clicks on each Card.

  • User MUST flip same card to match, and move to the best card.

  • User MUST complete the game by flipping and matching all cards right before game ends with a greeting message Congratulations!.

  • User can end or restart the game by clicking on the Memory Game logo at the top or by refreshing the page.

See wireframe below;

Desktop: Before Startng the Game.

Tablet: Before Startng the Game.

Mobile: Before Startng the Game.


Desktop: Game End.

Tablet: Game End.

Mobile: Game End.


NavBar Section

This section contains NavBar-Brand name.

Below NavBar-Alert

This section contains information and instruction on how to play the game.

Game Header Section

This section contains contains the Time, Start Game button and the Moves displays.

Main Game Section

This section contains containts the Game Title, Game Room and the Game Cards.

End Game Greeting

The End Game Greeting is the pop-up that comes up after a user successfully completed flipping and matching all Game Cards. And it contains a greetng Congratulations!, with a Total Game Time, Moves, Developer, and Share Buton

Footer Section

This section contains the Developer information, and Disclaimer notice.

Features Left to Implement

  • Background Music
  • Reward Points
  • Advertisement
  • Add More Sections



  • The game board kept displaying whenever the game url is loaded or reloaded. See image below:


  • It was fixed by adding the Bootstrap d-none class to board div.

Technologies Used

Here are Technologies used for this project, and it's functions.

  • HTML5

    • The project uses HTML5 for it's structuring.
  • CSS3

    • The project uses CSS3 for it's styling.
  • Bootstrap

    • The project uses Bootstrap starter template, in other to quickly design and customize responsive mobile-first site.
  • Font Awesome

    • The project uses Font Awesome to get vector icons and social logos.
  • Google Fonts

    • The project uses Google Fonts for great Typography.
  • JavaScript

    • The project uses JavaScript for the scripting and implementing of some complex features.
  • JQuery

    • The project uses JQuery through the JQuery CDN.


  • All the HTML codes were run and tested through HTML TESTER. This project was tested across multiple browsers and on multiple mobile devices, tablets and desktops to ensure compatibility and responsiveness.
  • Whole CSS was validated and tested through Jigsaw/CSS Congratulations! No Error Found. This document validates as CSS level 3 + SVG !
  • The JavaScript codes was tested with Jshint, in other to detect bugs and achieving an error free code at the end.
Test Scenario Status
As a user, when they click on Memory Game nav link they should navigate to index page section and refresh Pass
As a user, when they click on the green Start Game button, the game starts playing Pass
As a user, when the game ends, they click on the yellow Again buuton, to reset the game in other to paly game again Pass
As a user, when they click on Share Link icon, they should be redirected to the appropriate social media site for sharing Pass
As a user, when they click on the Developed by link should navigate to my personal profile page Pass


This project is deployed and hosted using GitHub directly from the master branch.

Here are different actions taken in other to get the project deployed:

  • I started by creating a new repository with " git init ".

  • Then each update was done by the command " git add . ".

  • And then committing it to my local repo with the command " git commit -m "message" ".

  • Then I uploaded it to my remote repo (Github) using " git push ".

  • Opened up repositories on GitHub.

  • Selected Top-12-Largest-Cities-In-Sweden-Memory-Game repository.

  • Clicked on settings buttom.

  • Scrolled down and hosted pages thorugh GitHub Pages by selecting master branch as main source.

  • Wait for a while, as the project is been deployed to GitHub, and a GitHub subdomain link generated for the live project.

In addition, below are screenshots presentation of the deployment process.

First Step: Opened up repositories on my GitHub.

Second Step: Selected cv repository.

Third Step: Navigate and click settings icon.

Forth Step: Scroll down, press dropdown button under Source section which is in GitHub Pages section, select master branch as source of your deployment.

Final Step: Wait a little bit, refresh the page and the site has been deployed at the link generated.



  • Writeup contents are my own ideas.


  • Photos and images used on this site were obtained from here
  • All images are property of their respective owners.
  • No Copyright infringement intended.


  • I received inspiration for this project from Family and Friends
  • I received inspiration for this project because of my love for the Swedish society
  • I received inspiration for this project from my Code Institute Mentor Nishant Kumar