Project- Deploy MongoDB Replica-set in Oracle Cloud


Documentation License: MIT Twitter: shashank_jadon Maintenance


  • Deploy MongoDB replica-set cluster at Oracle Cloud with minimum interaction


  1. Setup required cloud infrastructure and resources.
  2. Install required packages in all virtual machines.
  3. Deploy docker container with replica-set authentication key.
  4. Initiate replica-set and add all virtual machine containers.


  • First objective is accomplised using Terraform, which created Oracle cloud resources (Virtual Machine, Virtual Cloud Network, Internet Gateway, Subnet etc.)

  • Second objective is accomplised using Cloud-init scipt, which installed all required packages (Installing docker, Add firewall rule to connect 27017 etc.)

  • Third objective is also accomplised using Cloud-init script which build docker image with replica-set authentication key and deployed it using docker-compose.

  • Fourth objective is accomplished by running few commands manually in any one of the virtual machines.

How you can use this script :-

  • Generate Replica-set authentication key using command - openssl rand -base64 756 > replica-set.key and store key file package folder.

  • Compress package folder and upload it to oracle cloud object storage.

  • Create Pre-Athenticated Request(PAR) and put link it in "packagelink" variable in file

  • Edit Terraform file and ocid values according to your envionment.

  • Run terraform plan then terraform apply


👤 Shashank Jadon

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📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.