A C Game Engine
⚠️ The Project as well as the Documentation is WIP and is prone to change.
- RGFW: cross platform lightweight single-header very simple-to-use window library.
- CGLM: Highly Optimized 2D/3D Graphics Math for C.
- STB: stb single-file public domain libraries for C/C++. I use
. - Miniaudio: Audio playback and capture library written in C, in a single source file.
- glad: Multi-Language GL Loader-Generator.
- cebus: My own core C library.
On linux you need to install these dependencies:
sudo apt install libmesa-dev xorg-dev libxrandr-dev
First clone and enter the repo:
git clone --recursive https://github.com/Code-Nycticebus/claymore
cd claymore
Build it with a c compiler. From inside the claymore
directory, compile the build system. you can even:
cd claymore
gcc build/build.c && ./a.out
or build it with pybuildc:
pybuildc -d claymore build
Build it with a c compiler. From inside of the sandbox
cd sandbox
gcc build.c && ./a.out
or build and run directly with pybuildc:
pybuildc -d sandbox run
Check out the documentation for more info. For an example project, take a look at shadertoy.