
Add inner exception in ConvertExceptionToRuntimeException

kartonka opened this issue · 6 comments

It would be important for us not to lose the exception information as it travels from our backend to our frontend. After analyzing the code our suggestion would be to adjust the ConvertExceptionToRuntimeException function to add the original exception as an inner exception to WampRpcCanceledException and to WampRpcRuntimeException.

darkl commented

I think this would remain backwards compatible:

        protected static WampException ConvertExceptionToRuntimeException(Exception exception)
            if (exception is OperationCanceledException)
                return new WampRpcCanceledException(null, exception.Message, null, exception.Message, exception);

            return new WampRpcRuntimeException(null, exception.Message, null, exception.Message, exception);
darkl commented

Hmm, good point, I see...
As long as Wamp intends to provide security through such features, it is not possible to support applications that do not need such features (like ours). If Wamp did not want to provide this security but let the application decide to do it for themselves (e.g. through such a try-catch + throw), it could be changed.
As this decision is not in my hands (maybe not even in yours), I guess we'll have to figure out a workaround but thanks for your time!:)

Not sure what your use case is, but wouldn't it be enough to just have the exception logged on the Callee? (WampSharp supports that)

We wanted to have the server layer between our frontend and backend the thinnest possible in our application and avoid implementing a function for every callee with an exception handling. Ideally, our backend functions would solely be called through attributed interfaces.


// Server
public interface IBackendClass
	public void Method1(); // throws many types of exceptions

public class BackendClassProxy: BackendClass, IBackendClass
	// empty!

// an instance of BackendClassProxy is registered via realm.Services.RegisterCallee

// Backend
public class BackendClass
	public void Method1()
		if (endOfTheWorld())
			throw new InvalidOperationException();
			throw new MyVerySpecialExceptionType();
		// ...