
A Basic Service Worker Library.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Service Worker

Create PWA (Progressive Web Application) or TWA (Trusted Web Activity) easily with pre-written javascript library. This is a javascript library you can use to create websites as PWA.

Features :

  • Offline Mode.
  • Choose your files to cache.
  • Caches First / Fetch First.
  • Cache All. (Not Recomanded)
  • Push Notification.
  • Add an install button to the dom. (BeforeInstallPrompt)
  • Get Display Mode.

Installation :

Copy the sw.config.js & sw.js to your project. Put the sw.js file in the root directory of your project. Add sw.config.js script to your index.html or where ever you want.

Now add another script in your project after the sw.config.js and put the codes.

const sw = new ServiceWorker({
      path: "/sw.js", // The path to the sw.js file.
      scope: '/',
      log: true, // You can make it false in Production.
      // Configure The Push.
      push: {
            enableOnRegistration: false, // This will enable push when you register service worker.
            testPath: "http://localhost:3000/subscribe/push", // add a testPath to store your subscriptions.
            publicVapidKey: "BL2qGxzlquJZHaygGl4ojf7GAl29_qF1yS218VH4IpW4a4WBg956xRBmaKPDbioyyAWhh5dKHLLCp8tIG49KpLE", // Add your own public vapid key.
            userVisibleOnly: true
      preCaches: [], // Add files you want to cache.
      cacheName: "PWA", // add cache name.
      cacheFirst: true, // true / false
      // cacheAll: true, // Not recomanded.
      offlineHTML: "/offline.html" // Html file to be shown in offline.

Then register Service Worker.


Or, un-register using.


If, enableOnRegistration inside push configuration is false, you can enable push using.


You can get the display mode of the current window using.

sw.getDisplayMode(); // returns 'browser'/'standalone'/'twa'

Create Push Server

Use Node package web-push to register push on any device. Get public and private vapid key using -

npx web-push generate-vapid-keys
.\node_modules\.bin\web-push generate-vapid-keys

Then in your express app, add -

const webPush = require("web-push");

// use vapid keys
// get it using <.\node_modules\.bin\web-push generate-vapid-keys> command in cmd.
const vapidKey = { // Use Your Own
      public: "BL2qGxzlquJZHaygGl4ojf7GAl29_qF1yS218VH4IpW4a4WBg956xRBmaKPDbioyyAWhh5dKHLLCp8tIG49KpLE",
      private: "-Ul2EaR8M3ma_RyJar-8c8Z2Jv6UbIJ7uVsiCzxzQl0"
webPush.setVapidDetails( // set vapid keys in webpush
function pushNotification(subscription, payload) {
      webPush.sendNotification(subscription, JSON.stringify(payload))
            .catch(err => console.error(err));
// Use Set to make each unique.
var Subscriptions = new Set();
app.post("/subscribe/push", (req, res) => {

Now Send Notification Using -

pushNotification(Subscription[0], {
      title: "Your Title Here",
      body: "Body Of The Notification",

Options in Push Notification.

  1. actions : Array,
  2. badge : String,
  3. body : String,
  4. data : String,
  5. dir : String,
  6. icon : String,
  7. image : String,
  8. lang : String,
  9. renotify : Boolean,
  10. requireInteraction : Boolean,
  11. silent : Boolean,
  12. tag : String,
  13. timestamp : Number,
  14. title : String,
  15. vibrate : Number || Array,