
YOLO-family complemented by darknet. yolov5 yolov7 et al ...



This project : YOLO-in-Darknet 🚀 is a project based on any YOLO-version

  • The master branch is updating all version cfg files
  • The Applications branch id built for real-usefully Deploy
  • The v1.0-for-beginner branch is for studing Darknet framework and add special layer, such as add-SiLU
  • The v2.0-for-torch-prune branch is aim to apply prune on nets
  • The v3.0-for-tensorrt-C+ branch is a tensorrt-auto-transfer for *.cfg

master is updating...

    Aim to find a simple way to use all cnn-network by darknet.
    darknet with SiLU implemented can seen at My another git as ' Darknet-plus '

    yolo ~ yolov3 serial

    yolo~ v3 serial
    • A implementation of official

    yolov4 serial

    scaled-yolov4 serial
    • A implementation of scaled-yolov4 by darknet. including scaled-yolov4 p5、p6、p7、others.
    yolov4-tiny + SPP

    yolov5 serial

    yolov5 Ultralytics
    • A implementation of Ultralytics-yolov5 using darknet. including s m l x.
    • version 2 is Done :
    • Merged two head-convs of the CSP to speed by group_id.
    • version 4 is Done :
    • Replace the Focus() by conv with stride=2 and groups=3.
    • my yolov5-tiny may be better than yolov4-tiny: [paper url] .
    • version 6 is Done :

    yolov6 serial

    yolov6 Meituan
    • A implementation of Meituan-yolov6 using darknet. only YOLOv6s-3.0.
    • Model demo for Deploy mode (Conv Bn fusioned )
    • Exchange Convolution to VGGRepBlock for traning, and fusion layer for Deploy.

    yolov7 serial

    yolov7 Official
    • yolov7x is Done ;
    • yolov7 is Done ;
    • yolov7-d6 is Done ;

    yolov8 serial

    yolov8 Official
    • yolov8s is Done;
    • yolov8n is Done ;
    • yolov8m is Done ;
    • yolov8l is Done ;
    • yolov8x is Done ;

    others serial

    • SAM attention is Done ;
    • CEM (SE) atttention is Done ;


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