
List of resources - courses, sample code, articles and screencasts for learning AWS, Azure, GCP, IBM and Alibaba Cloud

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Learning Cloud


What is Here

This Repo contains links to 100+ resources I've created for you to learn to work on the public cloud.
Links to artifacts are included for AWS, Azure, GCP or Alibaba Cloud.

  • 🌟 NEW: Spring 2022 - my new 'Cloud Quantum Computing' course on LI_L - associated working repo at link
  • 🌟 NEW for 2022 - studies on 'Learning Ethical AI' , my resources repo at link

Courses and Articles

  • 📚 my cloud courses on LinkedIn Learning (30) - link
  • 📖 my example code in Github repos (10+) - link
  • 📖 my technical articles on Medium (40) - cloud topics - link
  • 📖 my micro-blogging on Dev.to (many...) - link
  • 📖 my system visualization tools, talks and examples - link

Screencasts, Sample Data and Slide Decks

  • 🗣️ my screencasts/talks on YouTube (50+) - cloud topics and more - link
  • 🗄️ my sample data in GitHub repo (10+) kinds of sample data - link
  • 🗣️ my slide decks on Slides.com (many...) - link

3 STEPS to getting started

  1. 🤔 REVIEW - this Repo and FAQ
    • this repo is a companion to my 'Cloud Careers and Certifications` - link course on LinkedIn Learning or Lynda.com course. It is designed to be a first course for those who are new working with public cloud services
    • ❓ FAQ - here are the top 10 questions students ask about learning-cloud - link
  2. 🤔 SELECT a cloud vendor (AWS, GCP...), set up a free trial (test) account for learning
    • See the main file in each vendor folders for links
      • for AWS go to \AWS folder -> README.md
      • for GCP go to \GCP folder -> README.md, etc...
    • Set up MFA (multi-factor authentication) on the root user account for your trial cloud account to protect against account misuse by others
      • setup up MFA on AWS root user account - link
      • setup MFA on GCP user accounts - link
    • Learn more about cloud vendor differences - link
  3. 💸 SETUP a budget alert on your test account - I suggest alerting on spend of over $ 50 USD per day
    • pick a scenario or service to start learning
    • build your project on the cloud and Learn...repeat!