
Tail-Reformat-Push the HRT Real-Time GPS Logs

Primary LanguageJava

HRT Log Capture

This is a Java project which includes components for two essential use cases.

1.  The org.hrva.capture.Capture application to capture logs via tail, reformat and push.

2.  The org.hrva.capture.CouchPush application to push mappings.

These can be configured to populate http://hrt.iriscouch.com/feed database.

This project depends on (and extends) the following projects
-  https://github.com/mbreese/couchdb4j/
-  http://args4j.kohsuke.org/
-  http://hc.apache.org/index.html
-  http://code.google.com/p/json-simple

Repository Structure

args4j-2.0.16.jar is the args4j binary, unmodified.

couchdb4j/* is a modified copy of couchdb4j.

hrtail.properties is a typical configuration file.

httpcomponents-client-4.1.3/* is a copy of the Apache HC project (just in case).

log4j.properties is a typical configuration file.

LogCapture/* is the actual log capture source.

test/* are some test files.


The tests of "Capture" expect a running coucdb database on your machine.

Download and install couchdb to run the tests.

Start couchdb.

Create a "couchdbkit_test" database using CURL as follows::

    curl -X put http://localhost:5984/couchdbkit_test

This will be used for unit testing.