
Central repo for the ContratosPR projects

Creative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0


Central repo for the ContratosPR projects.

Why two projects

We thought it was important to keep the project concerns separate.

Contratospr-api is focused on scrapping, indexing, and exposing government data from the Pueto Rico comptroller's site. It was importants for us to not tie changes in this project to changes that might occur in Contratospr-web, or frontend project.

Contratospr-web is focused on making our scrapped data discoverable, searchable, and consumable by everybody, not just those that have specialized knowledge in tech or goverment.

It is our view that this will make both projects approachable to a wider set of people. It also simplifies maintanance and deployments of new features or fixes.

You can see our projects here:

Code of conduct

All ContratosPR projects follow the Code for Puerto Rico Code of Conduct, which is an extension of the Code for America Code of Conduct. Please read these as they help us keep an inclusive and approachable community.

For any code of conduct issues please send an email to coc@code4puertorico.org. If it helps you can use one of our email templates english / español


If you are interested in contributing to these projects, please visit their repos and take a look at their CONTRIBUTING.md. These files will help you understand how the team works and how to submit your contributions

Don't know what to do

If you have an issue, feedback, or question and you do not know in which repo to place it, feel free to add it here.


You can see all our financial data in the form of GitHub Issues.

We will publish these issues once a month at the end of the month to reflect correct consumption and financial data.

Talks by the Team