Speak Up Mzansi! Discourse Configuration

This repo stores the speakupmzansi.org.za Discourse configuration. It is expected to be used with a Discourse Docker Image.

To use it, first setup a Docker-based Discourse instance and clone this repo into a directory somewhere (such as ~/speakup-discourse).

Edit speakup.yml and set these env variables appropriately:

  • DISCOURSE_SMTP_PASSWORD - password/api key for Mandrill
  • NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY - new relic license key string
  • MAILCHIMP_API_KEY - API key for mailchimp integration
  • MAILCHIMP_LIST_ID - ID of the list to subscribe new users to

Then link this file into /var/discourse/containers and rebuild the app.

sudo ln -s `pwd`/speakup.yml /var/discourse/containers/
cd /var/discourse
sudo ./launcher rebuild speakup