
An unofficial C# Portable Class Library for the Dark Sky weather service.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

DarkSkyApi NuGet

An unofficial C# Portable Class Library for the Dark Sky weather service. Compatible with .NET 4.5, Windows 8/8.1, Windows Phone 8/8.1, .NET Core 1.0, Xamarin Android/iOS, and Universal Windows Apps.


NuGet: Install-Package DarkSkyApi

New in Version 3.0.0 (30 September 2016)

Full Changelog

ForecastPCL is now DarkSkyApi! Almost everything's the same, but the new name better matches the Dark Sky rebranding.

  • Migration Details

    • Renamed ForecastApi to DarkSkyService.
    • Moved everything in the ForecastIOPortable namespace to the DarkSkyApi namespace.
    • Moved everything in the ForecastIOPortable.Models namespace to the DarkSkyApi.Models namespace.
    • Moved everything in the ForecastIOPortable.Helpers namespace to the DarkSkyApi.Helpers namespace.
  • New Languages

    • Added support for Azerbaijani.

Migrating from ForecastPCL

  1. Uninstall the ForecastIOPortable NuGet package.
  2. Install the DarkSkyApi package from NuGet.
  3. Replace all references to ForecastIOPortable namespaces with the corresponding DarkSkyApi ones:
ForecastPCL Namespace DarkSkyApi Namespace
ForecastIOPortable DarkSkyApi
ForecastIOPortable.Models DarkSkyApi.Models
ForecastIOPortable.Helpers DarkSkyApi.Helpers

Quick Start

Current Conditions

using DarkSkyApi;
using DarkSkyApi.Models;


var client = new DarkSkyService("YOUR API KEY HERE");
Forecast result = await client.GetWeatherDataAsync(37.8267, -122.423);


Note that the Dark Sky service doesn't always return all fields for each region. In these cases, some properties may be null or zero.

Conditions for a specific date

using DarkSkyApi;
using DarkSkyApi.Models;


var client = new DarkSkyService("YOUR API KEY HERE");

Forecast result = await client.GetTimeMachineWeatherAsync(37.8267, -122.423, DateTimeOffset.Now);


The Helpers class contains extension methods to convert a DateTimeOffset to Unix time, and back:

int unixTime = DateTimeOffset.Now.ToUnixTime();

DateTimeOffset date = unixTime.ToDateTimeOffset();

API Usage Information

After making a request for data (be it current or historical), the DarkSkyService instance's ApiCallsMade property will contain the number of calls made today, using the given API key. The property will be null if no requests have been made through the particular instance.


This library uses a client-oriented approach, instead of a request-response model: the DarkSkyService object is intended to be an abstraction from which weather data (Forecasts) can be obtained.

Forecasts do contain all the fields that can appear in the raw JSON obtained through making a direct request to the web service, but exposes them through more .NET convention-friendly properties: for example, precipIntensityMax is exposed as MaxPrecipitationIntensity. These properties are (as shown here) sometimes more verbose, but were intended to match the style commonly used in .NET projects.


NUnit is used for some simple integration tests with the actual web service. To run the tests, a valid API key must be added to the app.config file in the DarkSkyService.Test folder.