
The Member Code of conduct was designed to serve as a foundation for the Kin Outliers Community. The Code expressly links our traits and standards to the job that each of us undertakes on a regular basis. Its purpose is to ensure that each participant organization fully comprehends the commitments of participation and the expectation for a moral way of life that are an essential aspect of membership in the Community of Kin Outliers. Any individual or organization that violates this Code may be barred from enrollment by the Community.


Individuals who are Community of Kin Outliers are subject to this Code. The Code is meant to serve as a guide for Community members as they carry out their moral responsibilities. The moral practices are the emphasis of the Community of Kin Outliers. Moral practice is a Community member's primary commitment.


This statement expresses the core principles of members of the Community. The Member Code of Ethics is founded on these characteristics. These characteristics are the fundamental beliefs that determine our behavior and dynamic connection. We recognise that our professional abilities are critical to the general integrity of the community.


  • By acting as a trusted voice for people we serve, we serve the public interest.
  • We provide views, facts, and opinions in the commercial center to aid informed public debate.


  • In promoting the interests of individuals we target and engaging with the broader public, we adhere to the highest standards of accuracy and integrity.


  • We gather and use specific information and experience in a reliable manner.
  • We progress the community by following a well-planned sequence of activities, investigation, and education.
  • We create common understanding, credibility, and relationships among a diverse group of establishments and populations.


  • We are accountable for our actions.


  • In terms of our dedication to serve the public interest, we are devoted to those we address.


  • We deal fairly with clients, employers, competitors, peers, vendors, the media and the general public.
  • We respect all opinions and support the right of free expression.



  • Protecting and promoting the free flow of accurate and truthful data is essential for servicing the Community Membership.
  • Aim - To maintain the reliability of all local associations, as well as to assist informed autonomous guidance and coordinated effort.
  • Rules - A part will: Maintain the integrity of the correspondence course, be plain and precise in all exchanges, and reply swiftly to any erroneous correspondences that the part or association is aware of.


  • Promoting strong and fair competition in a moral atmosphere is the center principle.
  • The goal is to promote respect and fair competition in the community.
  • Rules - A portion will: Adhere to moral principles by utilizing procedures designed to respect free and open competition without purposefully undermining a competitor, and defend protected innovation privileges in the commercial center.


  • Open correspondence cultivates educated decision-making at the local level, according to the center principle.
  • Purpose - To build trust with our people and our community by gathering all of the information necessary for effective management.
  • Rules - A part will be clear and precise in all interchanges, move fast to correct any incorrect correspondences that the part is capable of, and avoid risky behaviors.


  • Membership trust necessitates the effective security of secret and private data.
  • Goal: To protect the security privileges of organizations and individuals by safeguarding personal information.
  • Rules - A part will protect the trust and security liberties of current, previous, and upcoming persons, as well as unique, secret, or insider data obtained from a part.


  • The Center Principle - Avoiding true, possible, or seen irreconcilable conflicts builds confidence in our individuals, organizations, and networks.
  • Plan - To acquire entrust and shared admiration from people, as well as to build entrust with the wider public, by avoiding or resolving situations that pit one's personal or professional goals against society's tendencies.
  • Rules - A part will: Act in the best interests of the people, avoid activities and conditions that might make people second-guess their business judgment or cause a conflict between personal and professional interests, and notify impacted people immediately of any current or potential irreconcilable situation.


If you feel unsafe, unwelcome, or uncomfortable as a consequence of an encounter within the Kin Outliers group, there are many options for reporting the event and receiving help.