
AimTux Linux CS:GO hack

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0



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Want to chat or play with other AimTux users? Join us on Gitter!


  • Aimbot
  • Triggerbot
  • AntiAim (Spinbot, Jitter, Sideways, Backwards, Fake4, Static up / down)
  • AimStep
  • AutoShoot
  • AutoCrouch
  • AutoStop
  • AutoWall
  • RCS
  • Box ESP
  • Name ESP
  • Bone ESP
  • Bomb ESP
  • Bomb Timer
  • Weapons ESP
  • Chams
  • Rank Viewer
  • Tracer
  • Bhop
  • No Flash
  • Airstuck
  • Recoil Crosshair
  • Skin Changer
  • Knife Changer
  • Clan Tag Changer
  • Chat Spammer
  • Kill Spammer
  • Name Changer
  • FOV Changer



Note: Do NOT download or compile as the root user

  1. Make sure you're inside of the AimTux directory
  2. Download the required tools to compile AimTux
    • Debian-based apt-get install cmake g++ gdb zlib1g-dev
    • Fedora: dnf install libstdc++-static cmake gcc-c++ gdb zlib-devel
    • Arch Linux: pacman -S base-devel cmake gdb
  3. Generate a makefile with the command cmake .
  4. Compile AimTux by entering make
  5. AimTux should now start compiling, if there are any errors, please report them here


First of all, make sure you're in the directory where AimTux was built,

Type the command ./load, you might be prompted to enter your password (injection requires root)

You should see a lot of text being printed out, most of which is not important,

if you see something like$1 = (void *) 0x3690fa00 (yours well be different) that means that the injection was successfull. However, if you see this: $1 = (void *) 0x0, the .so file either couldn't be found or something has gone wrong.

AimTux should now be injected into the game, to confirm, you should see something like this in the top left hand corner of your screen.


The above message will only be shown if you're in the main menu, aditionally, you can check the csgo console for a message saying AimTux was successfully injected..


If you want to unload the hack from the game, you will first need to launch the game with the command ~/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Counter-Strike Global Offensive/csgo.sh, this will start the game using gdb in an -insecure mode.

Once again, make sure you're inside of the AimTux directory, and type ./uload.

AimTux should now be unloaded from the game,

you can check the csgo console for a message saying AimTux has been unloaded successfully. to confirm.


If you would like to unload, compile and load the hack back into the game again (mostly for development) you can use the ./rload command.


Once injected, press the insert key, you should see a window in the top right hand corner of your screen, open any of the windows and have fun!


menu esp_chams chams fov crosshair


Special thanks to @aixxe (aixxe.net) for the skin changer and with the initial project, as well as helping this project with source code (Available on @aixxe's github page.)

This project was also initially based upon Atex's Linux Basehook.