
Download complete albums from fotoshare.co

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


This repository is no longer maintained and updated, as fotoshare.co now offers a download for all images.


Download complete albums from fotoshare.co (dslrBooth)


git clone https://github.com/CodeBrauer/fotoshare.co-album-downloader.git
cd fotoshare.co-album-downloader
composer install


PHP 7.1.3 or newer


Notice: The album must be Public. (You can set it temporarily Public for the download, and set it back to private after the download finished)

For smaller albums:

Just call the index.php with a webserver or create one like php -S localhost:3000 and use the provided UI

For larger albums:

Use CLI:

php index.php <album url>

Example: php index.php https://fotoshare.co/u/123456789/event

In both cases there will be created a directory which contains:

  • Album media files (jpg, gif, mp4 etc.)
  • CSV file (images.csv) with the album contents, providing the fields:
"Image URL" GIF/Thumbnail "Fotoshare.co Path" Width Height Type
https://i.fotoshare.co/xx/20100101_120000.jpg /i/xxxxxxx https://t.fotoshare.co/v1/height/240/https://i.fotoshare.co/xx/20100101_120000.jpg 1200 1800 jpg
https://i.fotoshare.co/xx/20100101_120000.mp4 /i/xxxxxxx https://i.fotoshare.co/xx/20100101_120000.gif 0 0 mp4