You can simply clone the project and start with your barebone project
git clone my-app-name
- Navigation System
- React Navigation V5
- React Navigation Helpers
- Ready to use Stack and Tab Screens with navigation
- Built-in Theme System
- Colors
- Fonts
- Built-in TextWrapper for better Custom Text usage
- Built-in Animated Splash Screen
- Built-in Localization (Multi-Language Support)
- HTTP Network Management
- Axios
- API Service with Usage Examples
- Built-in EventEmitter
- EventBus
- Built-in Local Storage asa MMKV Storage
- LocalStorage (Instead of AsyncStorage)
- Local Storage Ready to Use Util Functions
- Babel Plugin Module Resolver
- Fixing the relative path problem
- Visit
to ready to use and more customization
- Built-in Custom Font Implementation
- All you need to do is copy-paste the .tff file and run
npx react-native-asset
- All you need to do is copy-paste the .tff file and run
│ ├───screens
│ │ ├───detail
│ │ │ ├───
│ │ │ └───DetailScreen.tsx
│ │ ├───home
│ │ │ ├───
│ │ │ └───HomeScreen.tsx
│ │ └───search
│ │ ├───
│ │ └───SearchScreen.tsx
│ ├───services
│ │ ├───api
│ │ │ ├───api.constant.ts
│ │ │ └───index.ts
│ │ ├───event-emitter
│ │ │ └───index.ts
│ │ ├───models
│ │ │ └───index.ts
│ │ └───navigation
│ │ └───index.tsx
│ ├───shared
│ │ ├───components
│ │ │ └───text-wrapper
│ │ ├───constants
│ │ │ └───index.ts
│ │ ├───localization
│ │ │ └───index.ts
│ │ └───theme
│ │ ├───fonts
│ │ ├───colors.ts
│ │ ├───font-size.ts
│ │ ├───index.ts
│ │ └───theme.ts
│ └───utils
│ ├───local-storage
│ │ └───index.ts
│ └───index.ts
- TextWrapper over default Text component
- Colors
- Fonts
- Theme
- Font Size
Predefined h
tags are usable with TextWrapper
import Text from "@shared-components/text-wrapper/Text";
// ? Advanced Usage Example
<Text h3 bold right color="#913400" numberOfLines={1} style={{ margin: 16 }}>
Heading 3 Bold Right Sided Custom Text
import colors from "@colors";
<Text h1 color={colors.light.primary}>
Heading 1 with custom color from theme
import fonts from "@fonts";
<Text h5 fontFamily={fonts.helvetica.regular}>
Heading 1 with custom font usage
import fontSize from "@font-size";
import theme from "@theme";
if you want to call them all at once
import { theme, fonts, colors, spacing, fontSize } from "@shared-styles/index";
Clean up the files from the example repository and do not forget to install the dependencies
rm -rf .git
rm -rf ./assets/RN-Typescript-Boilerplate.gif ./assets/logo.png
git init
npm i
npx pod-install
(iOS Only)react-native run-ios/android
npm run clean-up
npm i && npx pod-install
react-native run-ios/android
Rename the project: (Thanks to react-native-name)
npx react-native-rename <your-project-name>
With custom Bundle Identifier (Android only. For iOS, please use Xcode)
npx react-native-rename <your-project-name> -b <bundleIdentifier>
npm i
cd ios && pod install
cd .. && react-native run-ios/android
npm i
cd android && mkdir
Make sure that set your right path of Android SDK
cd .. & react-native run-ios/android
LICENSE - Better and separated documentation
- MobX State Tree Fork Version
- Write an article about the lib on Medium
Photo by Lucas Benjamin on Unsplash
React Native Typescript Boilerplate is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.