One stop solution to make club and chapter recruitments in VIT simpler and hassle free.
Common Entry Test is an assistive technology that helps make applying to clubs and chapters in VIT much easier and hassle free.
- No other system matches the diversity of clubs and chapters accessible through our portal. Explore and apply to clubs and chapters in VIT.
- There is no need to repeat your applicant details for every club or chapter on your list. Enter your information one time and use it to apply to multiple clubs, teams and chapters.
- Our system alerts you when important dates are approaching. Manage your deadlines and view application progress in one convenient dashboard.
- Save time by reducing the time you spend on tedious recruitment tests by giving just one standardised test and spend it with your friends and enjoy college life.
- Give a custom test by a club, team or chapter.
- As an organisation, you don't need to spend resources and time trying to make your own portal. We do it for you.
- Reduce redundancy.
- Well updated and informative.
- Easy to use.
- CET Landing Page Repo
- CET Landing Page
- CET Frontend Repo
- CET Backend Repo
- CET Typescript Backend Repo
- CET Frontend
$ git clone
$ cd cetBackend
$ npm install
- Add environmental variables in the
$ npx secure-env .env -s enimasinobhaniyo
$ npm run dev
Variable | Key |
NODE_ENV | development |
DBURI | <MongoDB_URI> |
JWT_SECRET | <Your_Secret_Key> |
SENDGRID_API_KEY | <Your_Sendgrid_API_Key> |
SENDGRID_EMAIL | <Your_Sendgrid_Email> |
RECAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY | <Your_Recaptcha_Secret_Key> |
AWS_S3_BUCKET | <Your_Bucket_Name> |
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID | <Your_AWS_Access_Key> |
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY | <Your_AWS_Secret_Access_Key> |
CLIENT_ID | <Your_Client_ID> |
CLIENT_SECRET | <Your_Client_Secret> |
NODEMAILER_PASSWORD | <Your_Email's_Password> |
Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to be learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated. You can contribute to any of our issues given here or come up with any new feature requests.
- Fork the Project
- Create your Feature Branch
- Commit your Changes
- Push to the Branch
- Send a Pull Request
With ❤️ by CodeChef-VIT