This is a solution for the following challenge. To run this code, clone this repo to your computer. Then, in your terminal, run: npm install Then, run: node server.js

The answers will output on your console.


Developer Challenge The objective of this challenge is to parse a log file and do some analysis on it. It should be an easy task for anyone with previous experience programming. The challenge must be solved in node.js. Sample log can be downloaded here:

  • Required Requirements & output The log file contains all requests to a server within a specific timeframe. Given the following endpoints:

GET /api/users/{user_id}/count_pending_messages GET /api/users/{user_id}/get_messages GET /api/users/{user_id}/get_friends_progress GET /api/users/{user_id}/get_friends_score POST /api/users/{user_id} GET /api/users/{user_id}

Where {user_id} is the id of the user calling the backend.

Write a command line program that outputs a small analysis of the sample log containing at least the following:

For each of the URLs above:

  • The number of times the URL was called.
  • The mean (average), median and mode of the response time (connect time + service time).
  • The "dyno" that responded the most.

The output should just be simple text lines. Note that we want aggregate data for all users, not stats on specific users. What we are looking for

  • Correctness
  • Simple, clear, readable code
  • Memory efficiency (optional - bonus points) Questions & Delivery If you have any questions to this challenge, please contact us at

The challenge should be delivered as a link to a public git repository or gist ( or are preferred).

Check List Your Program: Can be run from the command line Is non-interactive, does not require user input Generates plain text output Returns one entry for each of the 6 endpoints listed above