
A simple CRUD app with tests to get you started with Node/Express and middleware

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Node Express Starter

Video Walkthrough => https://www.loom.com/share/b1a7cbc0f57444a281047eba2c42fe1c

A barebones node express app with some basic CRUD operations using an object in place of a database. Includes unit tests using supertest https://www.npmjs.com/package/supertest


This app uses a common pattern of having controllers and routes in separate folders.

Controllers are used to manipulate and query data.

Routes simply listen for requests on certain paths and provide methods which are called on those routes.

Middlewares are methods that are called before the request goes to a controller. In this app, we have a validateUserBody middleware which ensures all incoming requests have an id property - if they DO NOT, we simply reject the request - if they DO, we continue the request using next

Getting Started

npm install

npm start

npm run dev to start with hot reloading

npm test

How To Use

You'll see many comments throughout the codebase which highlight common patterns and libraries.

There are 5 routes you can reach from your localhost like so:

[GET] http://localhost:5000/user

[POST] http://localhost:5000/user

[PUT] http://localhost:5000/user

[DELETE] http://localhost:5000/user

For uploading files

[POST] http://localhost:5000/files/upload


To create a new user

[POST] http://localhost:5000/user


    "id": "123",
    "email": "brianjenney83@gmail.com",
    "name": "brian"

To get a user with an id of 123:


To upload a file using a tool like postman:

Video Walkthrough: https://www.loom.com/share/0b3645c2c5b94311961d606f9ae22bd3

You can use an example csv file at mockData/uber_jan_feb.csv

Further Reading

CORS: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/CORS

REST Architecture: https://restfulapi.net/

Next Steps

You can create a true database connection to persist your data and add new routes, controllers and middlewares.

Add validation middleware for the files controller. It should check that only .csv files are accepted.