
Small e-com app to walk through the basics of Redux and writing tests using Redux

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Shopping Cart With Redux

Basic Setup

Start by installing npm and cloning this repository into a working directory. Then run npm install from inside the project directory. This will build and install React, Redux etc into your local environment. Then run npm run start to launch the development server. You sould be in business!

The Redux Concept

Stop being afraid of redux. Under the hood, redux leverages the observer or pub-sub design pattern https://www.dofactory.com/javascript/design-patterns/observer

Besides the boiler plate needed to set up redux in a react app, the underlying concepts are not overly complex:


The store holds the global state as well as subscriptions and events to listen for.


Actions are emitted or published by action creators. They often look like this:

export const addToCart = (item) => {
	return {
		type: 'ADD_TO_CART', // the event
		payload: item, // the payload


Reducers handle actions and use the payload to update the global state in the store. Redux strongly emphasizes using functional programming patterns and to avoid mutation of the global state. Here's a common reducer example:

const addToCartReducer = (state = { isOpen: false, items: [] }, action) => {
	const { payload, type } = action;
	switch (type) {
		case 'ADD_TO_CART':
			return {
				isOpen: true,
				items: [...state.items, payload],

			return state;

In the example above, our reducer listens for an ADD_TO_CART event and updates the state with the payload in a functional way (by making a copy of the original state and updating that copy rather than the original)

Ducks Pattern

In other tutorials, you may see actions, action creators and reducers living in separate files. This is confusing to me. This app leverages the ducks patterns. If it walks and talks like a duck...

Bascially, all actions/reducers/action creators live in the same file which relate to particular functionality. For example shopping.ducks.js has all the logic for manipulating the state for our shopping cart.


Watch 📼:

Walkthrough: https://www.loom.com/share/e29215f4c7a545c29f5c26e5d06f7819

Unit Tests with Redux: https://www.loom.com/share/2e26762f8234400bb2183f60440906be


You'll notice that the ShoppingCart has a button to remove items from the cart but there is no logic to handle that.

Ruh roh.

You need to add actions for:

  • Removing an item from the cart

  • Updating the quantity of an item - for example, adding the same item should increment the quantity of that item rather than adding it twice

  • Ya know, Redux is a bit overkill for this app... how could use the Context API to lift state and achieve the same capability? How would your tests change?

  • BONUS: Add some tests using @testing-library


Try out the Redux Tool Kit version here: https://github.com/CodeCoachJS/shopping_cart_with_redux/tree/unsolved_rtk