
multifunction discord chatbot

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Sage Bot

A multifunction discord bot


All features can be enabled and disabled with /config
Config set command

Music and TTS
Music player embed

Image Generation
Image Generation Embed

AI Chatbot
asking for some typescript code

Set-up instructions

  1. Install Bun and install dependencies with bun i
  2. Create a Discord bot
    • enable Message Content Intent and Server Members Intent in Application > Bot
  3. Create /configs/botName.private.env
  4. Invite the bot to a server with:
  • https://discord.com/oauth2/authorize?permissions=68608&scope=bot&client_id=+YOUR APP_ID
  1. TEMPORARY install NodeJS and run bun start-node
  2. start with bun startalt text

All configs can be found in either:

  • .env (Global Config)
  • ./configs/*.env (Per-Bot config)
  • ./configs/*.private.env (Bot Credential config)

You can run more than one bot at once by creating more in ./configs/

Features are toggled per-server with /config

LLM setup

  1. Install Ollama
  2. Download an model ex: ollama pull dolphin-mistral
  3. Start Ollama by running ollama serve

Image Generation setup

  1. setup This WebUI
  2. add --api --nowebui to COMMANDLINE_ARGS in webui-user.sh
  3. run it in the background whenever you run the bot

Voice Channel Stuff

  1. Install FFMPEG