
An eleventy plugin to fetch webmentions and helper methods to display them

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A plugin for eleventy to fetch and filter webmentions from Webmention.io.


Available on npm.

npm install --save-dev eleventy-plugin-webmentions


In your Eleventy config file (probably .eleventy.js), load the plugin module and use .addPlugin to add it to Eleventy with an options object that defines the domain and the Webmention.io token. Like this:

const Webmentions = require("eleventy-plugin-webmentions");

module.exports = function (eleventyConfig) {
  eleventyConfig.addPlugin(Webmentions, {
    domain: "lukeb.co.uk",
    token: "ABC123XYZ987",

REMEMBER: You’re only allowed one module.exports in your configuration file, so make sure you only copy the require and the .addPlugin lines above! (Including the configuration options)

The plugin then adds 2 global data objects. One is called webmentionsLastFetched and is a Date object with the date that the plugin last fetched webmentions, and the other is called webmentions and is an array of webmention objects that look similar to this:

  type: 'entry',
  author: {
    type: 'card',
    name: 'Zach Leatherman',
    photo: 'https://webmention.io/avatar/pbs.twimg.com/d9711a9ad30ae05a761e4a728883bcbdd852cbf7d41437925b0afc47a8589795.jpg',
    url: 'https://twitter.com/zachleat'
  url: 'https://twitter.com/zachleat/status/1524800520208142337',
  published: '2022-05-12T17:15:48+00:00',
  'wm-received': '2022-05-13T00:05:16Z',
  'wm-id': 1397424,
  'wm-source': 'https://brid.gy/comment/twitter/CodeFoodPixels/1524795680966991874/1524800520208142337',
  'wm-target': 'https://lukeb.co.uk/blog/2022/01/17/pixelated-rounded-corners-with-css-clip-path/',
  content: {
    html: 'The step-by-step here was/is incredible detailed!\n' +
      '<a class="u-mention" href="http://lukeb.co.uk/"></a>\n' +
      '<a class="u-mention" href="https://twitter.com/CodeFoodPixels"></a>',
    text: 'The step-by-step here was/is incredible detailed!',
    value: 'The step-by-step here was/is incredible detailed! <a></a> <a></a>'
  'in-reply-to': 'https://lukeb.co.uk/blog/2022/01/17/pixelated-rounded-corners-with-css-clip-path/',
  'wm-property': 'in-reply-to',
  'wm-private': false

It also adds 2 filters:

  • webmentionsForPage will return the webmentions for that page, in the structure defined by the mentionTypes option.
  • webmentionCountForPage will return the number of webmentions for a page, filtered by the types used in the mentionTypes option.

Here is an example of using the filters in nunjucks:

{# Get the webmentions for the current page #}
{%- set currentPostMentions = webmentions | webmentionsForPage -%}

{# Get the webmentions for a specific page #}
{%- set postMentions = webmentions | webmentionsForPage(post.url) -%}

{# Get the webmention count for the current page #}
{%- set currentPostMentionCount = webmentions | webmentionCountForPage -%}

{# Get the webmention count for a page #}
{%- set postMentionCount = webmentions | webmentionCountForPage(post.url) -%}


Below are all the options that can be passed to the plugin:

Option Type Required? Default Description





The domain you wish to get the webmentions for.





The webmention.io token (found at the bottom of [the webmention.io settings page](https://webmention.io/settings)).


string Optional


The directory for webmentions to be cached to.


integer Optional


The time in seconds for the cached webmentions to be considered "fresh".


boolean Optional


Whether or not to truncate the webmentions


integer Optional


The length to truncate webmentions to if `truncate` is true


string Optional


The string to truncate the content with


boolean Optional


Whether or not to return HTML content from the webmentions. If `false`, just text content will be returned.


boolean Optional


Whether or not to convert Twitter URLs using tweetback-canonical


object Optional


An object keyed by page path, with the values either being a string of a page that is an alias of that page (e.g an old page that has been redirected) or an array of strings.


object Optional
  likes: ["like-of"],
  reposts: ["repost-of"],
  comments: [

A single layer object with groupings and types that should be returned for that grouping. The object can have any keys you wish (doesn't have to be likes, reposts and comments like the default) but each value should be an array of webmention types.You can find a list of possible types here


object Optional
  allowedTags: ["b", "i", "em", "strong", "a", "p"],
  allowedAttributes: {
    a: ["href"],

A set of options passed to sanitize-html. You can find a full list of available options here You can find a full list of available options here


function Optional
(a, b) => {
  new Date(a.published || a["wm-received"]) -
  new Date(b.published || b["wm-received"])
A function to use when sorting the webmentions. By default, the webmentions will be sorted in date ascending order, either by when they were published or when they were recieved.


All of the defaults are exposed on the defaults property of the module, so they can be used in your config if necessary.

Here is an example of extending the sanitizeOptions object:

const Webmentions = require("eleventy-plugin-webmentions");

module.exports = function (eleventyConfig) {
  eleventyConfig.addPlugin(Webmentions, {
    domain: "lukeb.co.uk",
    token: "ABC123XYZ987",
    sanitizeOptions: {
      allowedTags: [
      disallowedTagsMode: "escape",