
Support for multi-line factility notes

Closed this issue · 2 comments

User Story

As a outreach coordinator
I'd like to record status updates and short notes
So that I can ensure that other coordinators have the most accurate up-to-date picture on facility needs/status

Acceptance Criteria

  • The Notes field on the facility edit page ("/facility/edit/") should allow multi line text text entry, similar to the multiline text entry permitted for some of the check in responses.
  • Pre-existing multi-line text values should be displayed with the line feeds as originally entered.
  • The Notes field should be sized to display 5 lines of text and be scrollable when more text exists (for both edit page and facility view page)


This issue assumes that the existing API functionality and JSON payloads can handle multiline notes as-is. If this is NOT true, please create an issue in Bmore-Responsive to add multi-0line support on back end.

Question before submitting a PR for this issue:

5 lines of text - Should Notes on the view side, not just the form field, also have a max-height that limits to 5 lines of text with a Y scroll?