
Create an API using a list of CSV files

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


CSV API is a small api that import open datas from a list of CSV file and serve them through simple GET api.

Why does CSV API do?

  1. It import a list of CSV files into a mongoDB database
  2. Serve datas from GET requests
  3. Cloud hosting (Heroku?)
  4. Automatic documentation


  • / : web service automatic documentation
  • /:base_slug : return json with base description
  • /:base_slug/item : return one row from the csv as json. Using query parameter: find
  • /:base_slug/items : return a list of rows from the csv as json. Using query parameters: find, order, limit
  • /:base_slug/fields : return the csv column names
  • /:base_slug/:fieldname: return all unique value from a column

First steps


NodeJs, MongoDB and NPM installed

Node global modules: Express, Mongoose


$> git pull ....

$> npm install


Rename config.json.template to config.json and edit it.

config.json example:

	"database": "mongodb://localhost/csv_api",
	"max_parsing_lines": 100,
	"base": {
		"name": "156",
		"description": "Base de Dados contendo as solicitações geradas na Central 156, principal canal de comunicação entre o cidadão e a Prefeitura Municipal de Curitiba. Inclui todas as demandas direcionadas às Secretarias e Órgãos da Administração Municipal. Estes dados são oriundos do Sistema Integrado de Atendimento ao Cidadão - SIAC.",
		"csv": [
				"name":"156 - Base de Dados",
				"docs": {
					"example_find_item": "find={\"SOLICITACAO\":\"6638498\"}",
					"example_find_items": "find={\"SEXO\":\"F\"}&limit=5",
					"example_field_values": "ORGAO"

Sync database with csv files

$> node sync.js

Running / Testing

$> node index.js or $> npm start

Heroku deploy

Example: https://csvapi.herokuapp.com

  • heroku create mycsvapi
  • heroku addons:create mongolab:sandbox
  • heroku config:set BASE_JSON=http://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • heroku config:set NODE_ENV=production
  • heroku config:set CONFIG={}
  • heroku config:set CSV_PORTAL={"name":"Xxxxxxxx","url":"http://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"}
  • git push heroku master

Sync database

$> heroku run node sync.js

Using deploy script

Quick deploy can be done using deploy-heroku.sh script as following:

$> sh deploy-heroku.sh <appname> <base_configfile_url>

This will execute all the command mentioned before


$> sh deploy-heroku.sh opendisqueeconomia http://opencuritiba.herokuapp.com/bases/disqueeconomia.json


View issues

If no issues exists for the funcionality you want to add, please add it first and assign it to you.

Contact: Code For Curitiba => code4cwb ( a ) gmail.com