
Config files and plugins for vim

Primary LanguageVim script


fvim is a set of configurations and plug ins that I have collected over the years as a vim user.

I recently did a major long overdue upgrade, based on this collection by Amir Salihefendic, and this blog post by Stephen Bach.


  1. Clone this repo.

  2. Change your .vimrc file to look like this:

     # Replace <FVIM_DIR> with the directory where
     # fvim is installed
     source <FVIM_DIR>/vimrc/vimrc.vim
  3. Initialize the submodules

     git submodule init
     git submodule update
  4. Install the Meslo LG S for Powerline font (from tools/powerline-fonts)

  5. You need to install the Exuberant Ctags for taglist.vim to work.

     brew install ctags
  6. If you need JavaScript autocomplete, be sure you have npm installed, and initialize tern_for_vim:

     brew install npm
     cd <FVIM_DIR>/sources/tern_for_vim
     npm install
