70-532 Azure Exam links

My Exam Study Notes for the 70-532 Exam based off of the requirements on the exam web page - I'll move this to a GitHub page so that people can help keep the page links up to date.

Create and Manage Azure Resource Manager Virtual Machines (20-25%)

Perform configuration management

Scale ARM VMs

Design and implement ARM VM storage

Monitor ARM VMs

Manage ARM VM availability

Design and Implement DevTest Labs

Design and Implement a Storage and Data Strategy (25-30%)

  Implement Azure storage tables, queues, and Azure Cosmos DB Table API

  Manage access and monitor storage

Implement Azure SQL Databases

Implement Azure Cosmos DB

Implement Redis caching

Implement Azure Search

Manage Identity, Application, and Network Services (10-15%)

Design and Implement Azure Compute, Web, and Mobile Services (35-40%)

This has been created so that you can make edits nd keep this information as up to date as possible.