
loading modules at runtime

Primary LanguageJavaThe UnlicenseUnlicense

food app project



  • food.console.app
    • module for listing recipes
    • has a compile time dependency on the recipe interface
    • has runtime dependencies on modules containing recipies
  • food.recipe
    • module defining recipe interface
  • food.simple
    • module for containing simple recipes
    • has a compile time dependency on recipe interface
  • food.complex
    • module for containing complex recipes
    • has a compile time dependency on recipe interface


Module dependencies will have to be manually configured in Open Module Settings -> Dependencies

import bug

To run this project in intellij you will have to create a project and the modules from scratch and copy paste the code.

importing modules/projects from existing sources seems to break the Run/Debug configuration for Java9

command line

Note: you may need to delete previous compilation results.



javac -d ./out/food.recipe ./food.recipe/src/module-info.java ./food.recipe/src/net/oostdam/food/recipe/CookBook.java ./food.recipe/src/net/oostdam/food/recipe/Recipe.java

food.app module

javac --module-path ./out -d ./out/food.console.app ./food.console-app/src/module-info.java ./food.console-app/src/net/oostdam/food/console/app/Main.java 


javac --module-path ./out -d ./out/food.simple ./food.simple/src/module-info.java ./food.simple/src/net/oostdam/food/simple/SimpleCookBook.java


javac --module-path ./out -d ./out/food.complex ./food.complex/src/module-info.java ./food.complex/src/net/oostdam/food/complex/ComplexCookBook.java


  • -d specifies the output directory, it must already exist.
  • --module-path specifies the modules directory, so it can resolve modules the application depends on.


java --module-path out --module food.console.app/net.oostdam.food.console.app.Main


  • --module-path specifies the modules directory, so it can resolve modules the application depends on.
  • -m/--module option specifies the main module, the value after the slash is the class name of the main class in the module.


jar --create --file pkg/food.app.jar --main-class net.oostdam.food.console.app.Main -C out/food.console.app .
jar --create --file pkg/food.recipe.jar -C out/food.recipe .
jar --create --file pkg/food.simple.jar -C out/food.simple .
jar --create --file pkg/food.complex.jar -C out/food.complex .

java --module-path pkg --module food.console.app

jar --list --file pkg/food.app.jar


  • -f/--file to specify the output file
  • -c/--create to create a new archive
  • --main-class, specify the entry point for executable jar
  • -C specify directory and files to include in archive
  • --list to show to contents of the jar


  • --module-path specifies the modules directory, so it can resolve modules the application depends on.
  • -m/--module option specifies the module to run.

extra sources

https://www.oracle.com/corporate/features/understanding-java-9-modules.html https://docs.oracle.com/javase/9/tools/jar.htm https://docs.oracle.com/javase/9/tools/java.htm https://docs.oracle.com/javase/9/tools/jlink.htm https://sites.google.com/a/athaydes.com/renato-athaydes/posts/guidetojava9-compilejarrun https://steveperkins.com/using-java-9-modularization-to-ship-zero-dependency-native-apps/ https://www.baeldung.com/java-9-modularity https://www.logicbig.com/tutorials/core-java-tutorial/modules/multi-module-mode.html https://steveperkins.com/using-java-9-modularization-to-ship-zero-dependency-native-apps/