
CodeHub Mentorship platform - built with Laravel and React

Primary LanguagePHP

Mentoring App


This app is going to support the CodeHub mentorship programme. Users can register if they are looking for mentoring, or as mentors. There will be a simple algorithm to help match up mentors with mentees. The decision will still be made by a human though. The same goes for approval of registrations.

Tech Stack

The app uses Laravel on the backend, and React with TypeScript on the frontend.

InertiaJS allows us to use server-side auth and routing whilst building the view layer in React.

We are also using Tailwind for the User Interface.

Getting started

For the Laravel backend to run, you will need a server (Apache or Nginx) and PHP. You can have these installed directly on your machine, or use a virtual environment. (see instructions on the Laravel site)

Find more detailed instructions here: https://github.com/CodeHubOrg/codehub-mentorships/wiki/Getting-started


Some routes in this application require authentication. In order to access these routes you will need to ensure you have a database running locally that you can run the Laravel migrations against using this command (run from the project route):

php artisan migrate:fresh --seed

This will create the database tables for the application and create a User that you can use to authenticate in the application.

The login credentials for this test user are:

email: test@example.com password: password