
Basic and simple minecraft hide and seek plugin

Primary LanguageJava

Hide and Seek - Plugin by Ragy - 🔴

Basic and simple minecraft hide and seek plugin

| 🟠 = Plugin is in beta | | 🟢 = Plugin is supported | | 🔴 = Plugin is not supported |


/has - Main command for Hide And Seek Plugin, shows Help Menu
/has help - shows Help Menu
/has setup arena [arenaName] [arenaWorldName] [maxplayers] [minplayers] [seekersCount] - Creates a new arena
/has setup lobby - Sets lobby spawnpoint
/has editarena [arena] Edits arena
/has build [player] Turns on / off build mode for player
/has reload - Reloads the plugin


  • Use AjLeaderboards API
  • Use GadgetsMenu API
  • Create Kits [Invis(for 4s) cooldown: 1m, Jumper(Medium) cooldown: 25s, Killer(Better Sword),..]