
Gregorian to Hijri Date Convertor for NodeJS. forked from https://github.com/arabiaweather/hijri-date

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Gregorian To Hijri date convertor

This is a node module that allows you to convert Gregorian Dates to Hijri date with ease, also support day adjustments.



Install module using NPM

npm install hijri

Code Usage

var hijri = require('hijri');
//hijri.convert accepts 2 Arguments Date , Date Adjustment by days 
console.dir(hijri.convert(new Date(), 0));
{ dayOfWeekText: 'الثلاثاء',
  dayOfWeek: 3,
  dayOfMonth: 18,
  month: 4,
  monthText: 'ربيع الآخر',
  year: 1435 }