
Made a news App with flutter. With the help of the famous New York Times' API endpoint, I was able to fetch news and their corresponding URl as well as the Image_URL to follow up with the news.

Primary LanguageDart


A new Flutter project.

Getting Started


This is a Flutter made application, cross-platform i.e, > IOS and Android and can also run in the Web

It is implemented to fetch from the New York Times Best-seller books of all times.

Well laid UI / UX for starter projects.

Check it out!

  String? source;
  String? title;
  String? url;
  String? image_url;
  String? description;
  String? published;
  String? content;


  News.fromJson(Map json):
    image_url = json['urlToImage'],
    description = json['description'],
    published = json['publishedAt'],
    content = json['content'];

fetchNewsFunc() async {
  Response response = await get(Uri.parse('https://newsapi.org/v2/everything?q=bitcoin&apiKey=2b3c34d8bafc4b21a0fa19e67ae7244b'));

  return dataFromApi;

  }catch(e) {