
Android app used in Google IO extended 2018 Sri Lanka

Primary LanguageJava

Codacy Badge FOSSA Status


EzEvent is a universal mobile application for any sort of events. This app contains essential features which will be used in events/functions. The initial mobile app was used during the Google I/O Extended Sri Lanka 2018. This app contains an android app as well as a web dashboard powered by Firebase.

This app contains many features including the Agenda, Live Questions/Answers, Speaker Profiles, T-Shirt details, Ticket details as well as a feedback form to get user opinions about the event and the app. Questions which will be posted through the app will be listed in the dashboard, so the speaker/announcer can easily keep track on each query and provide answers.

Google Analytics and Firebase push notifications are integrated with this app. Admins can send push messages when its necessary. As well as they can keep track on the app usage statistics.

Technologies Used

  • Java
  • Backend: Firebase


FOSSA Status