Lingbing Guo, Zequn Sun, Wei Hu*. Learning to Exploit Long-term Relational Dependencies in Knowledge Graphs. In: ICML 2019
Please first install Python 3.5+, and then unpack data.7z.
pip install -r requirements
in shell to install required packages. Note that, when using Tensorflow 1.2+, the learning rate has to be re-adjusted. We suggest using tensorflow-gpu = 1.1.
Run jupyter by typing
jupyter notebook
in shell. -
In the opened browser, click RSN4EA.ipynb for entity alignment, or RSN4KGC.ipynb for KG completion.
The files RSN4EA.ipynb and RSN4KGC.ipynb record the latest results on DBP-WD (normal) and FB15K, respectively.
You can also click 'Toolbar -> Kernel -> Restart&Run All' to run these two experiments.
Limited by the space, we only uploaded FB15K for KG completion. For WN18 and FB15K-237, you can easily download them from the Internet.
Change options.data_path or other options.* to run RSN on different datasets with different settings.
For RSN4KGC.ipynb, we adopt a matrix filter method for evaluation, which may use more than 64GB memory.
For entity alignment, V1 denotes the normal datasets, and V2 denotes the dense ones. Please use first 10% data of
for validation.
If you find our work useful, please cite it as follows:
Author = {Lingbing Guo and Zequn Sun and Wei Hu},
Booktitle = {ICML 2019},
Title = {Learning to Exploit Long-term Relational Dependencies in Knowledge Graphs},
Year = {2019}