
Universal music theory library for iOS, macOS, tvOS and watchOS in Swift

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT

MusicTheory Build Status

A music theory library with Note, Interval, Scale and Chord representations in swift enums.


  • Swift 4.0+
  • iOS 8.0+
  • macOS 10.9+
  • tvOS 9.0+
  • watchOS 2.0+


pod 'MusicTheorySwift'


MusicTheory adds a bunch of basic enums and structs that you can define pretty much any music related data. Most importants are Note, Scale and Chord.

NoteType and Note

  • All notes defined in NoteType enum.
  • You can create Notes with NoteTypes and octaves.
  • Also, you can create Notes with MIDI note index.
  • Notes and NoteTypes are equatable, + and - custom operators defined for making calulations easier.
  • Also, there are other helper functions or properties like frequency of a note.
let d: NoteType = .d
let c = Note(type: .c, octave: 0)


  • Intervals are halfsteps between notes.
  • They are IntegerLiteral and you can make add/subsctract them between themselves, notes or note types.
  • You can build scales or chords from intervals.
  • m2, M2, m3, M3, P4, d5, P5, m6, M6, m7, M7 and P8 are predefined intervals.

ScaleType and Scale

  • ScaleType enum defines a lot of readymade scales.
  • Also, you can create a custom scale type by ScaleType.custom(intervals: [Interval], description: String)
  • Scale defines a scale with a scale type and root key.
  • You can generate notes of scale in an octave range.
  • Also you can generate HarmonicField of a scale.
  • Harmonic field is all possible triad, tetrad or extended chords in a scale.
let c: NoteType = .c
let maj: ScaleType = .major
let cMaj = Scale(type: maj, key: c)

ChordType and Chord

  • ChordType is a struct with ChordParts which are building blocks of chords.
  • You can define any chord existing with ChordType.
  • Thirds, fifths, sixths, sevenths and extensions are parts of the ChordType.
  • Each of them also structs which conforms ChordPart protocol.
  • Chord defines chords with type and a root key.
  • You can generate notes of chord in any octave range.
  • You can generate inversions of any chord.
let m13 = ChordType(
  third: .minor,
  seventh: .dominant,
  extensions: [
    ChordExtensionType(type: .thirteenth)
let cm13 = Chord(type: m13, key: .c)

Tempo and TimeSignature

  • Tempo is a helper struct to define timings in your music app.
  • TimeSignature is number of beats in per measure and NoteValue of each beat.
  • You can calculate notes duration in any tempo by ther NoteValue.
  • Note value defines the note's duration in a beat. It could be whole note, half note, quarter note, 8th, 16th or 32nd note.


Full documentation are here

Unit Tests

You can find unit tests in MusicTheoryTests target.
Press ⌘+U for running tests.


This library battle tested in my apps for iOS, macOS, watchOS and tvOS, check them out!
KeyBud (iOS, watchOS, tvOS, macOS)
FretBud (iOS, watchOS, tvOS)
ChordBud (iOS)