
Chef cookbook used to set up my workstation in the cloud

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What is this?

This is a Chef cookbook which sets up a basic workstation for me on a VM.

Why did you make it?

Anytime I've had horrible wifi (i.e. in a coffee shop or, worse, in a plane) getting development work done has crawled to a halt.

I've found it's far more effective to set up a VM as my workstation with a cloud provider (this can be AWS, Digital Ocean, whatever your prefer). I created this to automate the vim, tmux, terraform, and chef dk setup for a workstation VM.

What does this do?

The main things this cookbook does is install and/or configure vim, tmux, git, bash, terraform, and chef dk

How do you use it?

First, create a VM with a cloud provider, then SSH into that VM.

Next, install chef-solo on that VM

  $ curl -L https://www.chef.io/chef/install.sh | sudo bash

Now, make a cookbooks directory on the VM

  $ sudo mkdir -p /var/chef/cookbooks

Pull down this cookbook from Github (doing this rather than git clone since git is not yet installed

  $ wget -O nell-workstation.tar.gz https://github.com/nellshamrell/nell-workstation/tarball/master

Now extract it to the cookbooks directory

  $ mkdir /var/chef/cookbooks/nell-workstation && sudo tar -xzf nell-workstation.tar.gz -C /var/chef/cookbooks/nell-workstation --strip-components 1

Now run chef solo with the cookbook you just downloaded

  $ sudo chef-solo -o 'recipe[nell-workstation::default]'

Can someone else use this?

Totally! I would suggest forking this and substituting your own preferred configs for vim, tmux, etc. But feel free to use!