Documents recognition as easy as reading two bytes.
If you have any problems with or questions about this client, please contact us through a GitHub issue. You are invited to contribute new features, fixes, or updates, large or small; We are always thrilled to receive pull requests, and do our best to process them as fast as we can. See dev guide
npm install @regulaforensics/document-reader-webclient
Performing request:
import {DocumentReaderApi, TextFieldType, GraphicFieldType} from '@regulaforensics/document-reader-webclient'
const {PORTRAIT, SIGNATURE} = GraphicFieldType
const imageAsBase64String = getDocImageAsBase64String()
const api = new DocumentReaderApi({basePath: "http://localhost:8080"})
const result = await api.process({images: [imageAsBase64String]})
Parsing results:
// text fields
const docNumber = result.text.getField(DOCUMENT_NUMBER)
const fullName = result.text.getField(SURNAME_AND_GIVEN_NAMES)
const dateOfBirth = result.text.getField(DATE_OF_BIRTH)
// graphics fields
const portraitAsBase64 = result.images.getField(PORTRAIT)
const signatureAsBase64 = result.images.getField(SIGNATURE)
Language level
- ES5 with some ES6 features [Promise] and whatwg URL. If your environment doesn't support ES6 required features, you can polyfill.
- nodejs 10+
Module system
- CommonJS
- ES6 module system
- TypeScript's definitions should be automatically resolved via
. (Reference)